Поддржани научни трудови


Фонд за наука и истражување на УКИМ

Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје (УКИМ), како истражувачки ориентиран и најголема научноистражувачка институција во државата, ги поддржува истражувачите и истражувачките тимови на единиците преку Фонд за наука и истражување на УКИМ. Преку Фондот, на годишно ниво се поддржуваат повеќе активности поврзани со постигнување најистакнати резултати од науката, истражувањето и иновациите: избор на најдобри научници и уметник на УКИМ, финансирање на научноистражувачки проекти на единиците и поддршка на публикации во референтнaта индексациска база на Web of Science, како и во индексациската база на Scopus, за одделни научни области.





Унверзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје од сопствен научен фонд поддржува научноистражувачки трудови публикувани од академскиот кадар на УКИМ во сите научноистражувачки подрачја, индексирани во референтната база Web of Science на Clarivate Analytics, како и Scopus на Elsevier за хуманистички науки.


Title Authors UKIM Unit
Modeling of the ambient radiation dose level by using passive moss biomonitoring in Macedonia. J Radioanal Nucl Chem 330, 267–278. IF=1.75 Barandovski, L., Šajn, R., Bačeva Andonovska, K. et al. Природно-математички факултет
“SEAIR Epidemic spreading model of COVID-19, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 142, 110394, ISSN 0960-0779. IF=9.92 “ Basnarkov, L. Факултет за информатички науки и компјутерско инженерство
ТЕХНИЧКО-ТЕХНОЛОШКИ НАУКИ (Engineering and technology)
Participation of Every Generator to Loads, Currents, and Power Losses, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36(2), pp. 1638–1640. IF=7.32 Rajičić, D., Todorovski, M. Факултет за електротехника и информациски технологии
“Estimation and analysis of various influential factors in the braking process of rail vehicles. Vehicle system dynamics, 59(1), pp.1-16. IF= 1.02 “ Mickoski, H., Djidrov, M. Mickoski, I. Машински факултет
“Six Sigma Approach to Enhance Concurrency of the Procurement Process for Raw Materials, Technical journal 15, 4,pp 510-517. IF= 0.25 “ Kochov, A., Argilovski, A. Машински факултет
“Sentiment analysis of students’ feedback in MOOCs: A systematic literature review. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 4, p.728708. IF=0.1 (WoS ESCI) “ Dalipi, F., Zdravkova, K. and Ahlgren, F. Факултет за информатички науки и компјутерско инженерство
“Software for the GeoSPARQL Compliance Benchmark’, Software Impacts, 8, p.100071. IF=0.1 (WoS ESCI) “ Jovanovik, M., Homburg, T., Spasić, M. Факултет за информатички науки и компјутерско инженерство
“Interhost Orchestration Platform Architecture for Ultrascale Cloud Applications,” in IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 23-30 . IF=2.6 S. Ristov, T. Fahringer, R. Prodan, M. Kostoska, M. Gusev and S. Dustdar, Факултет за информатички науки и компјутерско инженерство
Mastication of crisp bread: Role of bread texture and structure on texture perception, Food Research International, Volume 147, 110477, ISSN 0963-9969, IF= 7.425 Andrea, A. Benavent-Gil,Y. Velickova,E. M. Rosell,C. Технолошко-металуршки факултет
Poly(l-lactic acid)/alkali lignin composites: properties, biocompatibility, cytotoxicity and antimicrobial behavior. J Mater Sci 56, 13785–13800 , IF=4.682 Bužarovska, A., Blazevska-Gilev, J., Pérez-Martnez, B.T. et al. Технолошко-металуршки факултет
Developing probiotic pumpkin juice by fermentation with commercial probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei 431’, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 45:e15245. IF = 2.609 Dimitrovski, D., Dimitrovska-Vetadjoka, M., Hristov, H., Doneva-Shapceska, D. Технолошко-металуршки факултет
Rotation-Free Based Numerical Model for Nonlinear Analysis of Thin Shells. Buildings 2021, 11, 657, IF= 3.324 Smoljanović, H.; Balić, I.; Munjiza, A.; Hristovski, V. Институт за земјотресно инженерство и инженерска сеизмологија
Reconnaissance analysis on buildings damaged during Durres earthquake Mw6.4, 26 November 2019, Albania: effects to non-structural elements. Bull Earthquake Eng 20, 795–817 .IF=4.556 Sheshov, V., Apostolska, R., Bozinovski, Z. et al Институт за земјотресно инженерство и инженерска сеизмологија
МЕДИЦИНСКИ НАУКИ И ЗДРАВСТВО (Medical and health sciences)
Principal investigator: Naomi Jane Wright, Collaborating author, Macedonia: Risteski T. Principal investigator: Naomi Jane Wright, Collaborating author, Macedonia: Risteski T. Медицински факултет
“International Impact of COVID-19 on the Diagnosis of Heart Disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021 Jan 19;77(2):173-185. “ Einstein AJ, Shaw LJ, Hirschfeld C, Williams MC, Villines TC, Better N, Vitola JV, Cerci R, Dorbala S, Raggi P, Choi AD, Lu B, Sinitsyn V, Sergienko V, Kudo T, Nørgaard BL, Maurovich-Horvat P, Campisi R, Milan E, Louw L, Allam AH, Bhatia M, Malkovskiy E, Goebel B, Cohen Y, Randazzo M, Narula J, Pascual TNB, Pynda Y, Dondi M, Paez D; the; INCAPS COVID Investigators Group. Collaborator: Vavlukis,M. Медицински факултет
“A urinary peptidomic profile predicts outcome in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients. CRIT-COV-U investigators.EClinicalMedicine. 2021 Jun;36:100883. “ Wendt R, Thijs L, Kalbitz S, Mischak H, Siwy J, Raad J, Metzger J, Neuhaus B, Leyen HV, Dudoignon E, Mebazaa A, Spasovski G, Milenkova M, Canevska-Talevska A, Czerwieńska B, Wiecek A, Peters B, Nilsson Å, Schwab M, Rothfuss K, Lübbert C, Staessen JA, Beige J Медицински факултет
“Impact of COVID-19 on Cardiovascular Testing in the United States Versus the Rest of the World. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021 Sep;14(9):1787-1799. “ Hirschfeld CB, Shaw LJ, Williams MC, Lahey R, Villines TC, Dorbala S, Choi AD, Shah NR, Bluemke DA, Berman DS, Blankstein R, Ferencik M, Narula J, Winchester D, Malkovskiy E, Goebel B, Randazzo MJ, Lopez-Mattei J, Parwani P, Vitola JV, Cerci RJ, Better N, Raggi P, Lu B, Sergienko V, Sinitsyn V, Kudo T, Nørgaard BL, Maurovich-Horvat P, Cohen YA, Pascual TNB, Pynda Y, Dondi M, Paez D, Einstein AJ; INCAPS-COVID Investigators Group. Collaborator: Vavlukis,M. Медицински факултет
“Urban and rural differences in frequency of fruit, vegetable, and soft drink consumption among 6–9-year-old children from 19 countries from the WHO European region. Weber MW, Breda J. Obesity Reviews, 22, p.e13207. “ Heinen MM, Bel-Serrat S, Kelleher CC, Buoncristiano M, Spinelli A, Nardone P, Musić Milanović S, Rito AI, Bağci Bosi T, Gutiérrrez-González E, Pudule I, Abdrakhmanova Sh, Abdurrahmonova Z, Brinduse LA, Cucu A, Duleva V, Fijałkowska A, Gualtieri A, Hejgaard T, Hyska J, Kujundžić E, Petrauskiene A, Sacchini E, Shengelia L, Tanrygulyyeva M, Usupova Zh, Holden Bergh I, Weghuber D, Taxová R Braunerová R, Kunešová M, Sant’Angelo VF, Nurk E, Ostojic SM, Spiroski I, Tichá L, Rutter H, Williams J, Boymatova B, Rakovac I, Медицински факултет
“Thinness, overweight, and obesity in 6- to 9-year-old children from 36 countries: The World Health Organization European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative—COSI 2015–2017. Obesity Reviews, 22, p.e13214. “ Spinelli A, Buoncristiano M, Nardone P, Starc G, Hejgaard T, Júlíusson PB, Fismen AS, Weghuber D, Musić Milanović S, García-Solano M, Rutter H, Rakovac I, Cucu A, Brinduse LA, Rito AI, Kovacs VA, Heinen MM, Nurk E, Mäki P, Abdrakhmanova Sh, Rakhmatulleoeva S, Duleva V, Sant’Angelo VF, Fijałkowska A, Gualtieri A, Sacchini E, Hassapidou M, Hyska J, Kelleher CC, Kujundžić E, Kunešová M, Markidou Ioannidou E, Ostojic SM, Peterkova V, Petrauskienė A, Popović S, Pudule I, Russell Jonsson K, Dal-Re Saavedra MA, Salanave B, Shengelia L, Spiroski I, Tanrygulyyeva M, Tichá L, Usupova Zh, Hilal Ozcebe L, Abildina A, Schindler K, Weber MW, Filipović Hadžiomeragić A, Melkumova M, Stojisavljević D, Boymatova K, Williams J, Breda J. Медицински факултет
“METHODOLOGY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WHO EUROPEAN CHILDHOOD OBESITY SURVEILLANCE INITIATIVE (COSI). Obesity Reviews, 22, p.e13215. “ Breda J, McColl K, Buoncristiano M, Williams J, Abdrakhmanova Sh, Abdurrahmonova Z, Ahrens W, Akhmedova D, Bakacs M, Boer J, Boymatova Kh, Brinduse LA, Cucu A, Duleva V, Endevelt R, Sant’Angelo VF, Fijałkowska A, Filipović Hadžiomeragić A, García-Solano M, Grøholt EK, Gualtieri A, Hassapidou M, Hejgaard T, Hyska J, Kelleher CC, Kujundžić E, Mäki P, Markidou Ioannidou E, Melkumova M, Moyersoen I, Musić Milanović S, Nurk E, Ostojic SM, Peterkova V,Petrauskienė A, Pudule I, Rito AI, Russell Jonsson K, Rutter H, Salanave B, Seyidov N, Shengelia L, Silitrari N, Spinelli A, Spiroski I, Starc G, Stojisavljević D, Tanrygulyyeva M, Tichá L, Usupova Zh, Weghuber D, Yardim N, Zamrazilová H, Zbanatskyi V, Branca F, Weber M, Rakovac I. Медицински факултет
“The Complexity of FGF23 Effects on Cardiomyocytes in Normal and Uremic Milieu. 2021 May 20;10(5):1266. “ Figurek A, Rroji M, Spasovski G. Медицински факултет
“CD99 and polymeric immunoglobulin receptor peptides deregulation in critical COVID-19: A potential link to molecular pathophysiology? Oct;21(20):e2100133. “ Siwy J, Wendt R, Albalat A, He T, Mischak H, Mullen W, Latosinska A, Lübbert C, Kalbitz S, Mebazaa A, Peters B, Stegmayr B, Spasovski G, Wiech T, Staessen JA, Wolf J, Beige J. Proteomics. Медицински факултет
“Long-term risks after kidney donation: how do we inform potential donors? A survey from DESCARTES and EKITA transplantation working groups. Aug 27;36(9):1742-1753. “ Mjøen G, Maggiore U, Kessaris N, Kimenai D, Watschinger B, Mariat C, Sever MS, Crespo M, Peruzzi L, Spasovski G, Sørensen SS, Heemann U, Pascual J, Viklicky O, Courtney AE, Hadaya K, Wagner L, Nistor I, Hadjianastassiou V, Durlik M, Helanterä I, Oberbauer R, Oniscu G, Hilbrands L, Abramowicz D.Nephrol Dial Transplant. Медицински факултет
“CONNECT Action (Cognitive Decline in Nephro-Neurology European Cooperative Target). Neuropeptide Y as a risk factor for cardiorenal disease and cognitive dysfunction in chronic kidney disease: translational opportunities and challenges. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2021 Dec 28;37(Suppl 2):ii14-ii23. “ Zoccali C, Ortiz A, Blumbyte IA, Rudolf S, Beck-Sickinger AG, Malyszko J, Spasovski G, Carriazo S, Viggiano D, Kurganaite J, Sarkeviciene V, Rastenyte D, Figurek A, Rroji M, Mayer C, Arici M, Martino G, Tedeschi G, Bruchfeld A, Spoto B, Rychlik I, Wiecek A, Okusa M, Remuzzi G, Mallamaci F; Медицински факултет
“Funding kidney research as a public health priority: challenges and opportunities. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2021 Dec 31;37(1):21-28. “ Zoccali C, Vanholder R, Wagner CA, Anders HJ, Blankestijn PJ, Bruchfeld A, Capasso G, Cozzolino M, Dekker FW, Fliser D, Fouque D, Gansevoort RT, Goumenos D, Jager KJ, Massy ZA, Oostrom TAJ, Rychlık I, Soler MJ, Stevens K, Spasovski G, Wanner C. Медицински факултет
“CONNECT Action (Cognitive Decline in Nephro-Neurology European Cooperative Target).Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2021 Dec 28;37(Suppl 2):ii23-ii32. “ Pépin M, Ferreira AC, Arici M, Bachman M, Barbieri M, Bumblyte IA, Carriazo S, Delgado P, Garneata L, Giannakou K, Godefroy O, Grodzicki T, Klimkowicz-Mrowiec A, Kurganaite J, Liabeuf S, Mocanu CA, Paolisso G, Spasovski G, Vazelov ES, Viggiano D, Zoccali C, Massy ZA, Więcek A. Медицински факултет
“Machine learning risk prediction of mortality for patients undergoing surgery with perioperative SARS-CoV-2: the COVIDSurg mortality score. British Journal of surgery, Published 2021 Jul 6. “ COVIDSurg Collaborative group. Collaborators: T. Risteski*, V. Cvetanovska Naunova, L. Joycheski, E. Lazova Медицински факултет
“Mediterranean Diet and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Perpetual Inspiration for the Scientific World. A Review. Nutrients, 2021 Apr 15;13(4):1307. “ Milenkovic T, et al. Медицински факултет
“Citizen Consultation on Problematic Usage of the Internet: Ethical Considerations and Empirical Insights From Six Countries. Frontiers in Public Health, 01 April (2021) “ Gjoneska, B., Jones, J., Vella, A.M., Bonanno, P., Flora, K., Fontalba-Navas, A., Hall, N., Ignjatova, L., Kirtava,Z., Moreno Sanjuán, M., Vaz-Rebelo, M.P., and Sales, C. Медицински факултет
“PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, SCREEN TIME, AND SLEEP DURATION OF CHILDREN AGED 6–9 YEARS IN 25 COUNTRIES: AN ANALYSIS WITHIN THE WHO EUROPEAN CHILDHOOD OBESITY SURVEILLANCE INITIATIVE (COSI) 2015–2017. Obesity facts, 14(1), pp.32-44. “ Whiting S, Buoncristiano M, Gelius P, Abu-Omar K, Pattison M, Hyska J, Duleva V, Musić Milanović S, Zamrazilová H, Hejgaard T, Rasmussen M, Nurk E, Shengelia L, Kelleher C, Heinen M, Spinelli A, Nardone P, Abildina A, Abdrakhmanova S, Aitmurzaeva G, Usuopva Z, Pudule I, Petrauskiene A, Sant’Angelo VF, Kujundzic E, Popovic S, Fismen A, Holden Bergh I, Fijalkowska A, Rito AI, Cucu A, Brinduse LA, Peterkova V, Gualtieri A, García-Solano M, Gutiérrez-González E, Abdurrahmonova Z, Boymatova K, Yardim N, Tanrygulyyeva M, Weghuber D, Schindler K, Stojisavljević D, Filipović Hadžiomeragić A, Markidou Ionnaidu E, Ahrens W, Hassapidou M, Kovacs VA, Ostojic S, Ticha L, Starc G, Russell Jonsson K, Spiroski I, Rutter H, et al. Медицински факултет
“Incidence and prevalence of epilepsy in the Republic of North Macedonia: Data from nationwide integrated health care platform. Seizure. 2021; 87:56-60. “ Babunovska M, Boskovski B, Kuzmanovski I, Isjanovska R, Kiteva Trencevska G, Cvetkovska E. Медицински факултет
“How to prevent skin damage from air pollution part 2: Current treatment options. Dermatol Ther. 2021 Nov;34(6):e15132. “ Damevska K, Simeonovski V, Darlenski R, Damevska S. Медицински факултет
“Risk factors associated with new-onset epilepsy in young adults: Population-based study. Epilepsy Behav. 2021; 19;124: 108353. “ Babunovska M, Boskovski B, Kuzmanovski I, Tanovska N, Kiteva Trencevska G, Cvetkovska E. Медицински факултет
“Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of rosuvastatin in patients with low-to-moderate cardiovascular risk. Acta Pharm. 2021 Dec 30;72(2):303-315. “ Vavlukis A, Vavlukis M, Dimovski A, Petrushevska G, Eftimov A, Domazetovska S, Mladenovska K. Медицински факултет
“Data Sharing Under the General Data Protection Regulation: Time to Harmonize Law and Research Ethics?. Hypertension. 2021 Apr;77(4):1029-1035. “ Vlahou A, Hallinan D, Apweiler R, Argiles A, Beige J, Benigni A, Bischoff R, Black PC, Boehm F, Céraline J, Chrousos GP, Delles C, Evenepoel P, Fridolin I, Glorieux G, van Gool AJ, Heidegger I, Ioannidis JPA, Jankowski J, Jankowski V, Jeronimo C, Kamat AM, Masereeuw R, Mayer G, Mischak H, Ortiz A, Remuzzi G, Rossing P, Schanstra JP, Schmitz-Dräger BJ, Spasovski G, Staessen JA, Stamatialis D, Stenvinkel P, Wanner C, Williams SB, Zannad F, Zoccali C, Vanholder R. Медицински факултет
“Impact of preoperative arterial and venous diameter on achievement of the adequate blood flow in arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis. 25(3) 273 281 “ Gjorgjievski, N., Dzekova‐Vidimliski, P., Trajcheska, L., Stojanoska, A., Selim, G., Rambabova‐Bushljetik, I., Nikolov, I., Gjorgievska, J., Janevski, Z., Muharremi, S. and Dejanov, P. Медицински факултет
“The neurophysiological correlates of cognitive functions during methadone and buprenorphine maintenance treatment: The ERP study. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems “ Markovska-Simoska, S., Ignjatova, L., Kiteva Trenchevska, G., Pop-Jordanova N. Медицински факултет
“Unilateral livedo reticularis in a COVID-19 patient: Case with fatal outcome. JAAD Case Rep. 2021 Jan;7:120-121 “ Tusheva I, Damevska K, Dimitrovska I, Markovska Z, Malinovska-Nikolovska L. Медицински факултет
“Calcification of the cavernosal bodies may be responsible for development of erectile dysfunction in uremic apolipoprotein E deficient (apoE-/-) mice. Revista Internacional De Andrologia. “ Ivanovski O, et al. Медицински факултет
“Penile cancer after a tick bite: A possible association. SAGE Open Med Case Rep. “ Ivanovski, O. et al. Медицински факултет
БИОТЕХНИЧКИ НАУКИ (Agricultural and veterinary sciences)
“Authoritative subspecies diagnosis tool for European honey bees based on ancestry informative SNPs. BMC Genomics 22, 101. “ Momeni, J., Parejo, M., Nielsen, R.O. et al. Uzunov,A. Факултет за земјоделски науки и храна
“Direct Economic Impact Assessment of Winter Honeybee Colony Losses in Three European Countries. Agriculture, 11, 398. “ Popovska Stojanov, D.; Dimitrov, L.; Danihlík, J.; Uzunov, A.; Golubovski, M.; Andonov, S.; Brodschneider, R. Факултет за земјоделски науки и храна
“European primary forest database v2.0’. Scientific Data 8, August 17, 220. “ Sabatini, F. M., Bluhm, H., Kun, Z., Aksenov, D., Atauri, J. A., Buchwald, E., Burrascano, S., Cateau, E., Diku, A., Duarte, I., Fernández López, А. B., Garbarino, M., Grigoriadis, N., Horváth, F., Keren, S., Kitenberga, M., Kiš, A., Kraut, A., Ibisch, P. L., Larrieu, L., Lombardi, F., Matovic, B., Melu, N. R., Meyer, P., Midteng, R., Mikac, S., Mikoláš, M., Mozgeris, G., Panayotov, M., Pisek, R., Nunes, L., Ruete, A., Schickhofer, M., Simovski, B., Stillhard, J., Stojanovic, D., Szwagrzyk, J., Tikkanen, O.-P., Toromani, E., Volosyanchuk, R., Vrška, T., Waldherr, M., Yermokhin, M., Zlatanov, T., Zagidullina, A., & Kuemmerle, T. Факултет за шумарски науки, пејзажна архитектура и екоинженеринг „Ханс Ем“
“‘A major tool for afforestation of semi-arid and anthropogenic steppe areas in Turkey: Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe’. Journal of Forest Science 67(10), October 15, 449–463. “ Ayan, S., Yücedağ, C., Simovski, B. Факултет за шумарски науки, пејзажна архитектура и екоинженеринг „Ханс Ем“
“The future of the forest-based bioeconomy in selected southeast European countries’, Futures 128, March 9, 102725. “ Lovrić, N., Krajter Ostoić, S., Vuletić, D., Stevanov, M., Đorđević, I., Stojanovski, V., Curman, M. Факултет за шумарски науки, пејзажна архитектура и екоинженеринг „Ханс Ем“
ХУМАНИСТИЧКИ НАУКИ (Humanities and the arts)
“The Experiential Museum – Avant-Garde Spatial Experiments and the Reorganization of the Human Sensorium’, Architektúra & urbanizmus, Volume 55 (1-2), 2021: 3-17 “ Batakoja, M, Šerman, K. Архитектонски факултет
Assessment of current state of Modernist building heritage of Skopje in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency and authentic appearance degradation. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environmental Science 656 012001 Dimevska, L., Cvetkovska M., Trombeva Gvriloska A., Lazarevska, M. Knezevic, M. Архитектонски факултет
“Correlation between pure tone thresholds and speech thresholds. Human Research in Rehabilitation, 11(2), pp.120-125. “ Ristovska., L, Jachova, Z., Kovacevic, J., Radovanovic, V. and Hasanbegovic H. Филозофски факултет
“Оbservations on a subgroup of light verb constructions with ‘dava’ in which the metaphorical extension of interpersonal communication is present’, Palimpsest 6(12), pp. 17-26. “ Stojanovska-Ilievska, N. Филолошки факултет “Блаже Конески”
“Media framing of the Macedonia name change issue: The use of fear-inducing language strategies”” Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, vol. 16, no. 2, Published: February 2021, pp. 265-284. “ Trajkova, Z. Филолошки факултет “Блаже Конески”
“Audiatur et Altera Pars! (ексцeнтризмот во македонскиот роман), Fluminensia: časopis za filološka istraživanja, 5.7, 239-253 “ Димова Ѓорѓиева М. Филолошки факултет “Блаже Конески”
“Dimensions of Student Writer’s Self in Qualitative Research Interviews. In: Muresan, LM., Orna-Montesinos, C. (eds) Academic Literacy Development. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. “ Bekar, M., Yakhontova, T. Филолошки факултет “Блаже Конески”
“Language Task Engagement: An Evidence-Based Model, TESL-EJ 24.4, Egbert. “ Egber, J. Abobaker,R. Bekar,M. Shahrokni, S.A. Bantawtook,P.Roe,M.Zhang,H.He,H. Huh,K Филолошки факултет “Блаже Конески”
“The Effect of Emotions on Translations Performance’, Research in Language: Vol. 19: Iss. 2, Article 5, 30 June 2021, 169-186. “ Kimovska, S. K. and Cvetkoski, V. Филолошки факултет “Блаже Конески”

Title Authors UKIM Unit
ТЕХНИЧКО-ТЕХНОЛОШКИ НАУКИ (Engineering and technology)
‘Multifunctional Jute Fabrics Obtained by Different Chemical Modifications’, Cellulose, 30 July, pp. 8485-8502. doi.org/10.1007/s10570-020-03360-x. WoS IF 6.123 Ivanovska, A., Asanovic, K., Jankoska, M., Mihajlovski, K., Pavun, L., Kostic, M. Технолошко – металуршки факултет
Monitoring of Cellulose Oxidation Level by Elekctrokinetic Phenomena and Numeric Prediction Model’ 01 February, 3107-3119. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10570-020-03028-6 или DOI: 10.1007/s10570-020-03028-6. WoS IF 6.123 Tarbuk, A., Grgić, K., Toshikj, E., Domović, D., Dimova, V., Jordanov, I. Технолошко – металуршки факултет
Contribution of generator-load pairs in distribution networks power losses’, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 1 February, pp. 105433. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0142061519304661. WoS IF 5.659 Todorovski M, Rajičić D. Факултет за електротехника и информациски технологии
Deformable Polyurethane Joints and Fibre Grids for Resilient Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frames with Orthoblock Brick Infills, Polymers 2020, 12, 2869; doi:10.3390/polym12122869 WoS IF 4.967 Theodoros Rousakis, Alper Ilki, Arkadiusz Kwiecien , Alberto Viskovic , Matija Gams , Petra Triller ,Bahman Ghiassi, Andrea Benedetti, Zoran Rakicevic, Camilla Colla , Omer Faruk Halici , Bogusław Zając, Łukasz Hojdys, Piotr Krajewski , Fabio Rizzo , Vachan Vanian, Anastasios Sapalidis , Efthimia Papadouli and Aleksandra Bogdanovic Институт за земјотресно инженерство и инженерска сеизмологија
“Influence of soil-structure interaction (SSI) on optimal design of passive damping devices, Structures, Volume 28,2020, Pages 847-862, ISSN 2352-0124, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2020.09.028 WoS IF 2.983 “ Ersin Aydin, Baki Ozturk, Aleksandra Bogdanovic, Ehsan Noroozinejad Farsangi, Институт за земјотресно инженерство и инженерска сеизмологија
“The need of integrated renovation of the existing building stock in North Macedonia. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 06 August 2020, pp.10. doi/full/10.1080/19648189.2020.1798816 WoS IF 2.516 “ Apostolska, R., Shendova, V., Necevska-Cvetanovska, G. Институт за земјотресно инженерство и инженерска сеизмологија
МЕДИЦИНСКИ НАУКИ И ЗДРАВСТВО (Medical and health sciences)
“The renal patient seen by non-renal physicians: the kidney embedded in the ‘milieu intérieur’. Clin Kidney J. 2020 Dec 11;14(4):1077-1087. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfaa234. eCollection 2021 Apr. PMID: 34094517 Free PMC article. Review. WoS IF 4.45 “ Perez-Villa F, Lafage-Proust MH, Gielen E, Ortiz A, Spasovski G, Argilés À. Медицински факултет
“A roadmap for optimizing chronic kidney disease patient care and patient-oriented research in the Eastern European nephrology community. Clin Kidney J. 2020 Dec 22;14(1):23-35. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfaa218. eCollection 2021 Jan. PMID: 33570513 Free PMC article. Review. WoS IF 4.45 “ Sever MŞ, Jager KJ, Vanholder R, Stengel B, Harambat J, Finne P, Tesař V, Barbullushi M, Bumblytė IA, Zakharova E, Spasovski G, Resic H, Wiecek A, Blankestijn PJ, Bruchfeld A, Cozzolino M, Goumenos D, Soler MJ, Rychlík I, Stevens KI, Wanner C, Zoccali C, Massy ZA. Медицински факултет
“Legislative proposal in Italy to facilitate contacts between deceased organ donor families and transplant recipients. J Nephrol. 2020 Dec;33(6):1333-1342. doi: 10.1007/s40620-020-00824-y. Epub 2020 Aug 10. WoS IF 3.902 “ De Santo NG, Cirillo M, De Santo LS, Abbas MH, De Rosa G, Resic H, Perna AF, Spasovski G, Citterio F, Venditti G, Balat A, Santini L, Masullo A, Casavola FP, Zecchino O, Di Iorio B, Capasso G. Медицински факултет
“Early detection of diabetic kidney disease by urinary proteomics and subsequent intervention with spironolactone to delay progression (PRIORITY): a prospective observational study and embedded randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2020 Apr;8(4):301-312. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(20)30026-7. Epub 2020 Mar 2. PMID: 32135136 Clinical Trial. WoS IF 32.069 “ Tofte N, Lindhardt M, Adamova K, Bakker SJL, Beige J, Beulens JWJ, Birkenfeld AL, Currie G, Delles C, Dimos I, Francová L, Frimodt-Møller M, Girman P, Göke R, Havrdova T, Heerspink HJL, Kooy A, Laverman GD, Mischak H, Navis G, Nijpels G, Noutsou M, Ortiz A, Parvanova A, Persson F, Petrie JR, Ruggenenti PL, Rutters F, Rychlík I, Siwy J, Spasovski G, Speeckaert M, Trillini M, Zürbig P, von der Leyen H, Rossing P; PRIORITY investigators. Медицински факултет
“Should We Consider the Cardiovascular System While Evaluating CKD-MBD? Toxins (Basel). 2020 Feb 25;12(3):140. doi: 10.3390/toxins12030140. PMID: 32106499 Free PMC article. Review WoS IF 4.546 “ Rroji M, Figurek A, Spasovski G. Медицински факултет
“The nephrology crystal ball: the medium-term future. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2020 Feb 1;35(2):222-226. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfz199.PMID: 31598700PMID: 31598700 WoS IF 5.99 “ Zoccali C, Blankestijn PJ, Bruchfeld A, Capasso G, Fliser D, Fouque D, Goumenos D, Massy Z, Rychlık I, Soler MJ, Stevens K, Spasovski G, Wanner C. Медицински факултет
“Mild cognitive impairment and kidney disease: clinical aspects. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2020 Jan 1;35(1):10-17. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfz051. PMID: 31071220. WoS IF 5.99 “ Viggiano D, Wagner CA, Blankestijn PJ, Bruchfeld A, Fliser D, Fouque D, Frische S, Gesualdo L, Gutiérrez E, Goumenos D, Hoorn EJ, Eckardt KU, Knauß S, König M, Malyszko J, Massy Z, Nitsch D, Pesce F, Rychlík I, Soler MJ, Spasovski G, Stevens KI, Trepiccione F, Wanner C, Wiecek A, Zoccali C, Unwin R, Capasso G. Медицински факултет
“Sclerostin: a new biomarker of CKD-MBD. Int Urol Nephrol. 2020 Jan;52(1):107-113. doi: 10.1007/s11255-019-02290-3. Epub 2019 Oct 14. PMID: 31612420 Review. WoS IF 2.370 “ Figurek A, Rroji M, Spasovski G. Медицински факултет
“A SNAPSHOT OF EUROPEAN CHILDREN’S EATING HABITS: RESULTS FROM THE FOURTH ROUND OF THE WHO EUROPEAN CHILDHOOD OBESITY SURVEILLANCE INITIATIVE (COSI). Nutrients, 2020 Aug 17, 12(8):2481. Available at DOI: 10.3390/nu12082481. WoS IF 5.429 “ Williams, J. et al. Медицински факултет
“Women’s issues’’ Epileptic disorders, Aug 1, 22 (4): 355-63 WoS IF 1.819 “ Keni, R. Mostacci, B. Kiteva-Trenchevska, G. Licchetta, L. Ignjatova, L.Thomas, S. Meador, K.J. Медицински факултет
“Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and diabetes on mechanical reperfusion in patients with STEMI: insights from the ISACS STEMI COVID 19 Registry. Cardiovasc Diabetol. Dec 18;19(1):215. doi: 10.1186/s12933-020-01196-0. PMID: 33339541 WoS IF 9,951 “ Majstorov V, Miladinova D, Kuzmanovska S, Ittermann T, Pop Gjorcheva D, Vaskova O, Ugrinska A, Milevska Kostova N, Karanfilski B. Медицински факултет
“Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and diabetes on mechanical reperfusion in patients with STEMI: insights from the ISACS STEMI COVID 19 Registry. Cardiovasc Diabetol. Dec 18;19(1):215. doi: 10.1186/s12933-020-01196-0. PMID: 33339541 WoS IF 9,951 “ De Luca G, Cercek M, Jensen LO, Vavlukis M, Calmac L, Johnson T, Roura I Ferrer G, Ganyukov V, Wojakowski W, von Birgelen C, Versaci F, Ten Berg J, Laine M, Dirksen M, Casella G, Kala P, Díez Gil JL, Becerra V, De Simone C, Carrill X, Scoccia A, Lux A, Kovarnik T, Davlouros P, Gabrielli G, Flores Rios X, Bakraceski N, Levesque S, Guiducci V, Kidawa M, Marinucci L, Zilio F, Galasso G, Fabris E, Menichelli M, Manzo S, Caiazzo G, Moreu J, Sanchis Forés J, Donazzan L, Vignali L, Teles R, Bosa Ojeda F, Lehtola H, Camacho-Freiere S, Kraaijeveld A, Antti Y, Boccalatte M, Martínez-Luengas IL, Scheller B, Alexopoulos D, Uccello G, Faurie B, Gutierrez Barrios A, Wilbert B, Cortese G, Moreno R, Parodi G, Kedhi E, Verdoia M. Медицински факултет
“Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mechanical Reperfusion for Patients With STEMI. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020 Nov 17;76(20):2321-2330. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2020.09.546. PMID: 33183506; PMCID: PMC7834750. WoS IF 24.094, “ De Luca G, Verdoia M, Cercek M, Jensen LO, Vavlukis M, Calmac L, Johnson T, Ferrer GR, Ganyukov V, Wojakowski W, Kinnaird T, van Birgelen C, Cottin Y, IJsselmuiden A, Tuccillo B, Versaci F, Royaards KJ, Berg JT, Laine M, Dirksen M, Siviglia M, Casella G, Kala P, Díez Gil JL, Banning A, Becerra V, De Simone C, Santucci A, Carrillo X, Scoccia A, Amoroso G, Lux A, Kovarnik T, Davlouros P, Mehilli J, Gabrielli G, Rios XF, Bakraceski N, Levesque S, Cirrincione G, Guiducci V, Kidawa M, Spedicato L, Marinucci L, Ludman P, Zilio F, Galasso G, Fabris E, Menichelli M, Garcia-Touchard A, Manzo S, Caiazzo G, Moreu J, Forés JS, Donazzan L, Vignali L, Teles R, Benit E, Agostoni P, Bosa Ojeda F, Lehtola H, Camacho-Freiere S, Kraaijeveld A, Antti Y, Boccalatte M, Deharo P, Martínez-Luengas IL, Scheller B, Alexopoulos D, Moreno R, Kedhi E, Uccello G, Faurie B, Gutierrez Barrios A, Di Uccio FS, Wilbert B, Smits P, Cortese G, Parodi G, Dudek D. Медицински факултет
“Aspirin for primary prevention of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction in persons with diabetes and multiple risk factors. EClinicalMedicine. Sep 20;27:100548. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100548. PMID: 33150322; PMCID: PMC7599315. WoS IF 3.49 “ Bugiardini R, Pavasović S, Yoon J, van der Schaar M, Kedev S, Vavlukis M, Vasiljevic Z, Bergami M, Miličić D, Manfrini O, Cenko E, Badimon L. Медицински факултет
“Patients’ attitude toward AED withdrawal: A survey among individuals who had been seizure-free for over 2 years. Epilepsy Behav. Mar;104(Pt A):106881. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2019.106881. Epub 2020 Jan 11. PMID: 31931459. WoS IF 2.937 “ Cvetkovska E, Babunovska M, Kuzmanovski I, Boskovski B, Sazdova-Burneska S, Aleksovski V, Isjanovska R. Patients’ attitude toward AED withdrawal: A survey among individuals who had been seizure-free for over 2 years. Epilepsy Behav. Медицински факултет
“How to prevent skin damage from air pollution. Part 1: Exposure assessment. Dermatologic therapy, 33(1), e13171. https://doi.org/10.1111/dth.13171 WoS IF 2.851 “ Damevska, K., Boev, B., Mirakovski, D., Petrov, A., Darlenski, R., & Simeonovski, V. Медицински факултет
“Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on dermatology services: Dermatology in isolation. Dermatologic therapy, 33(4), e13552. https://doi.org/10.1111/dth.13552 WoS IF 2.851 “ Damevska, K., Neloska, L., Simeonovski, V., Petrov, A., Dimitrovska, I., Teovska-Mitrevska, N., Najdova, A., & Pollozhani, N. Медицински факултет
“Scleredema of Buschke associated with lichen sclerosus: Three cases. Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology, 86(3), 272–277. https://doi.org/10.4103/ijdvl.IJDVL_288_17 WoS IF 2.545 “ Venturi, M., Damevska, K., Ferreli, C., Pinna, A. L., Atzori, L., Gocev, G., & Rongioletti, F. Медицински факултет
“Back to the basics: Propolis and COVID-19. Dermatologic therapy, 33(4), e13780. https://doi.org/10.1111/dth.13780 WoS IF 2.851 “ Bachevski, D., Damevska, K., Simeonovski, V., & Dimova, M. Медицински факултет
“Organization of intensive cardiac care units in Europe: Results of a multinational survey. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. Dec;9(8):993-1001. doi: 10.1177/2048872619883997. Epub 2020 Jan 24. PMID: 31976740. WoS IF 4.696 “ Claeys MJ, Roubille F, Casella G, Zukermann R, Nikolaou N, De Luca L, Gierlotka M, Iakobishvili Z, Thiele H, Koutouzis M, Sionis A, Monteiro S, Beauloye C, Held C, Tint D, Zakke I, Serpytis P, Babic Z, Belohlavev J, Magdy A, Sivagowry Rasalingam M, Daly K, Arroyo D, Vavlukis M, Radovanovic N, Trendafilova E, Marandi T, Hassenger C, Lettino M, Price S, Bonnefoy E. Медицински факултет
“Sex Differences in Modifiable Risk Factors and Severity of Coronary Artery Disease. J Am Heart Assoc.Oct 20;9(19):e017235. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.017235. Epub 2020 Sep 28. PMID: 32981423; PMCID: PMC7792418. WoS IF 5.501 “ Manfrini O, Yoon J, van der Schaar M, Kedev S, Vavlukis M, Stankovic G, Scarpone M, Miličić D, Vasiljevic Z, Badimon L, Cenko E, Bugiardini R. Медицински факултет
“ESC Working Group on Coronary Pathophysiology and Microcirculation position paper on ‘coronary microvascular dysfunction in cardiovascular disease’. Cardiovasc Res. 2020 Mar 1;116(4):741-755. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvaa003. PMID: 32034397; PMCID: PMC7825482. WoS IF 10.787 “ Padro T, Manfrini O, Bugiardini R, Canty J, Cenko E, De Luca G, Duncker DJ, Eringa EC, Koller A, Tousoulis D, Trifunovic D, Vavlukis M, de Wit C, Badimon L. Медицински факултет
“Outcomes for clinical trials of food allergy treatments’, Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 01 November, 125(5), 535-542. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anai.2020.06.023. WoS IF 6.347 “ Sim, K; Mijakoski, D; Stoleski, S; Rodriguez del Rio, P; Sammut, P; Le, T-My; Munblit, D; Boyle, R.J. Медицински факултет
“Women’s Safety and Gender-Based Violence in the Republic of North Macedonia. Front. Public Health 8:33. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00033 Published 21st February 2020, Available at https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2020.00033/full. WoS IF 3.709 “ Tozija F Медицински факултет
“Immunological Outcomes of Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy in Food Allergy. Front. Immunol. 11:568598. Doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.568598” WoS IF 7.561 “ Schoos A-MM, Bullens D, Chawes BL, Costa J, De Vlieger L, DunnGalvin A, Epstein ME, Garssen J, Hilger C, Knipping K, Kuehn A, Mijakoski D, Munblit D, Nekliudov NA, Ozdemir C, Patient K, Peroni D, Stoleski S, Stylianou E, Tukalj M, Verhoeckx K, Zidarn M and van de Veen W Медицински факултет
“‘Essential oils chemical variability of seven populations of Salvia officinalis L. in North of Albania’ Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 11-06-2020, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 31–39. https://doi.org/10.20450/mjcce.2020.1903 WoS IF 0.689 “ Ibraliu, A, Doko, A, Hajdari, A, Gruda, N, Šatović, Z, Cvetkovikj Karanfilova, I & Stefkov, Gj Фармацевтски факултет
“‘Causes of visual impairment: a retrospective study in Macedonian children’, Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine), 3(494):29-30 WoS IF 1.974 “ Dimitrova-Radojičić, D., Tasevska, D. Филозофски факултет
ЗЕМЈОДЕЛСКИ И ВЕТЕРИНАРНИ НАУКИ (Agricultural and veterinary sciences)
““A Qualitative Market Analysis Applied to Mini-FLOTAC and Fill-FLOTAC for Diagnosis of Helminth Infections in Ruminants”Frontiers in veterinary science, 22.10.2020. WoS IF 3.471 “ Maria Paola, Maurelli, Oliva Maria Dourado Martins, Eric R. Morgan, Johannes Charlier, Giuseppe Cringoli, Teresa Letra Mateus, Bogdan Bacescu, Christophe Chartier, Edwin Claerebout, Theo de Waal, Christina Helm, Hubertus Hertzberg, Barbara Hinney, Johan Höglund, Iveta Angela Kyriánová, Marcin Mickiewicz, Saulius Petkevičius, Stanislav Simin, Smaragda Sotiraki, Marina Tosheska, Mariann Toth, María Martínez-Valladares, Marian Varady, Blagica Sekovska, Georg von Samson-Himmelstjerna and Laura Rinaldi Факултет за ветеринарна медицина
““Initial assessment of the economic burden of major parasitic helminth infections to the ruminant livestock industry in Europe”, Preventive veterinary medicine, Vol.182, September 2020, 105103 WoS IF 3.372 “ J.Charlier,L.Rinaldi,H.W.Ploeger,C.Chartier,H.RoseVineer,B.Hinney,G.vonSamson-Himmelstjerna,B.Băcescu,M.Mickiewicz,T.L.Mateus,M.MartinezValladares,S.QuealyH,.Azaizeh,B.Sekovska,H.Akkari,S.Petkevicius,L.Hektoen, E.Claerebout: Факултет за ветеринарна медицина
“External quality assessment of Rift Valley fever diagnosis in 17 veterinary laboratories of the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. PLoS ONE, 28 September,15(9): e0239478, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0239478. WoS IF 3.752 “ Pérez-Ramírez, E., Cano-Gómez, C., Llorente, F., Adzic, B., Al Ameer, M., Djadjovski, I., et al. Факултет за ветеринарна медицина
“Minimum Infective Dose of a Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Field Strain from North Macedonia. Viruses 12, 768. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/v12070768. WoS IF 5.818 “ Wolff J, Krstevski K, Beer M, Hoffmann B. Факултет за ветеринарна медицина
“Evaluation of West Nile Virus Diagnostic Capacities in Veterinary Laboratories of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Regions. Pathogens 9, 1038. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens9121038. WoS IF 4.531 “ Pérez-Ramírez E, Cano-Gómez C, Llorente F, Vodica A, Veljovic Lj, Toklikishvilli N, Sherifi K, Sghaier S, Omani A, Kustura A, Krstevski K, Hacioglu-Karayel I, Hagag NM, El Hage J, Davdyan H, Bintarif MS, Adzic B, Abouchoaib, Jiménez-Clavero MA, Fernandez-Pinero J Факултет за ветеринарна медицина
“Characterization of porcine oocytes stained with Lissamine Green B and their developmental potential in vitro. Anim Reprod. 17(4):e20200533. https://doi.org/10.1590/1984-3143-AR2020-0533 WoS IF 1,81 “ Bartkova A, Morovic M, Strejcek F, Murin M, Benc M, Percinic FP, Laurincik J. Факултет за ветеринарна медицина
“Protection gaps and restoration opportunities for primary forests in Europe’, Diversity and Distributions 26(12), 15 September, 1646–1662. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ddi.13158. WoS IF 5.714 “ Sabatini, F. M., Keeton, W. S., Lindner, M., Svoboda, M., Verkerk, P. J., Bauhus, J., Bruelheide, H., Burrascano, S., Debaive, N., Duarte, I., Garbarino, M., Grigoriadis, N., Lombardi, F., Mikoláš, M., Meyer, P., Motta, R., Mozgeris, G., Nunes, L., Ódor, P., Panayotov, M., Ruete, A., Simovski, B., Stillhard, J., Svensson, J., Szwagrzyk, J., Tikkanen, O.-P., Vandekerkhove, K., Volosyanchuk, R., Vrška, T., Zlatanov, T., & Kuemmerle, T. Факултет за шумарски науки, пејзажна архитектура и екоинженеринг „Ханс Ем“
“Global Geographic Distribution and Host Range of Fusarium circinatum, the Causal Agent of Pine Pitch Canker. Forests 2020, 11(7):724. https://doi.org/10.3390/f11070724 WoS IF 3.282 “ Drenkhan, R.; Ganley, B.; Martín-García, J.; Vahalík, P.; Adamson, K.; Adamčíková, K.; Ahumada, R.; Blank, L.; Bragança, H.; Capretti, P.; Cleary, M.; Cornejo, C.; Davydenko, K.; Diez, J.J.; Lehtijärvi, H.T.D.; Dvořák, M.; Enderle, R.; Fourie, G.; Georgieva, M.; Ghelardini, L.; Hantula, J.; Ioos, R.; Iturritxa, E.; Kanetis, L.; Karpun, N.N.; Koltay, A.; Landeras, E.; Markovskaja, S.; Mesanza, N.; Milenković, I.; Musolin, D.L.; Nikolaou, K.; Nowakowska, J.A.; Ogris, N.; Oskay, F.; Oszako, T.; Papazova-Anakieva, I.; Paraschiv, M.; Pasquali, M.; Pecori, F.; Rafoss, T.; Raitelaitytė, K.; Raposo, R.; Robin, C.; Rodas, C.A.; Santini, A.; Sanz-Ros, A.V.; Selikhovkin, A.V.; Solla, A.; Soukainen, M.; Soulioti, N.; Steenkamp, E.T.; Tsopelas, P.; Vemić, A.; Vettraino, A.M.; Wingfield, M.J.; Woodward, S.; Zamora-Ballesteros, C.; Mullett, M.S. Факултет за шумарски науки, пејзажна архитектура и екоинженеринг „Ханс Ем“
“Mapping the patchy legislative landscape of non-native tree species in Europe, Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, Volume 93, Issue 4, July 2020, Pages 567–586, https://doi.org/10.1093/forestry/cpaa009 WoS IF 3.186 “ Elisabeth Pötzelsberger, Katharina Lapin, Giuseppe Brundu, Tim Adriaens, Vlatko Andonovski et all. Факултет за шумарски науки, пејзажна архитектура и екоинженеринг „Ханс Ем“
“Management of nature-based goods and services provisioning from the urban common: a pan-European perspective’, Urban Ecosystems 23, 20 February, 645–657. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-020-00951-1. WoS IF 2.686 “ Tiwary, A., Vilhar, U., Zhiyanski, M., Stojanovski. V., Dinca, L. Факултет за шумарски науки, пејзажна архитектура и екоинженеринг „Ханс Ем“
ОПШТЕСТВЕНИ НАУКИ (Social sciences)
“‘Assessing the relative efficiency of commercial banks in the Republic of North Macedonia: DEA window analysis’, Croatian Operational Research Review, pp. 217–227. Available at: https://hrcak.srce.hr/ojs/index.php/crorr/article/view/11478. ESCI, Web of Science/Scopus “ Cvetkoska, V. and Čiković, K.F. Економски факултет
Georgievski, S., and Pandeva, I. R. Georgievski, S., and Pandeva, I. R. Правен факултет „Јустинијан Први“
“””The impact of macroeconomic and financial factors on shadow banking in the new EU member states.”” Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu/Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics: Journal of Economics and Business . ESCI, Web of Science/Scopus “ Kjosevski, Jordan, Mihail Petkovski, and Aleksandar Stojkov Правен факултет „Јустинијан Први“
“Geopolitics of the Prespa Agreement: Background and After-Effects’, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 12 Apr 2020, 22(3), pp. 343-371. Available at DOI: 10.1080/19448953.2020.1739880. SSCI, Web of Science/Scopus “ Vankovska, B. Филозофски факултет
“Psychological aspects of autism spectrum disorder. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities. Jul 05; 3(1):14-23. https://doi.org/10.26407/2020jrtdd.1.30 Scopus “ Trajkovski V. Филозофски факултет
“Change in the Functional Abilities, after the Influence of Maximal Physical Load in the Competition Period in Female Volleyball Athletes From the Republic of Kosovo. Sylwan. ESCI, Web of Science/Scopus “ Kostovski, Z., Ibrahimi, N., Ibrahimi, A., Jashari, V., & Stankovska, Z. Педагошки факултет „Св. Климент Охридски“
ХУМАНИСТИЧКИ НАУКИ (Humanities and the arts)
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