Scholarships | Scholarships

Fulbright Scholarships

The U.S. Embassy announces the availability of applications for the Fulbright Program on their website and social media. Details about conditions and deadlines are available at the provided links:

For the Fulbright Scholar applications, please visit: Fulbright Scholar Competition. This program facilitates postdoctoral studies, including postdoctoral research, and/or a combination of postdoctoral research and teaching for professors across various professional backgrounds.

For the Fulbright Student applications, please visit: Fulbright Student Competition. This program provides opportunities for postgraduate studies to undergraduate students, as well as those currently enrolled in postgraduate or PhD programs. Eligible students may also apply to conduct their MA/S or PhD thesis research in the United States through this scholarship too.




Scholarships for Academic Year 2024/2025 from the Government of Romania

Scholarships are offered to international students for all three study cycles. Details on eligibility and deadlines can be found [here]


Scholarships for German Language Courses in Bavaria, 2024 

The Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe announces scholarships for German language courses at higher education institutions in Bavaria. These scholarships cover tuition, accommodation, and meals. Students and young professionals from all disciplines with at least B1-level German proficiency can apply.

Крајниот рок за аплицирање е 21 март 2024 година, а апликациите се поднесуваат исклучиво преку онлајн форма.

Дополнителни информации за процесот на аплицирање и јазичните курсеви се достапни на интернет-страницата, како и на ФБ профилот.