Scholarships | Scholarships


Повик за консултативен состанок со заинтересирани кандидати за стипендијата на Фондацијата за животна средина на Германија ДБУ


Како што беше претходно објавено, Фондацијата за животна средина на Германија, ДБУ (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) нуди можност за стажирање и истражувачки престој на докторанди во Германија, во времетраење од 6-12 месеци.

Снимката од онлајн информативната сесија што се одржа на 20.01.2025 година е достапна на следниов линк (password: n|2WR\e.)

Фондацијата објавува повици за аплицирање двапати годишно, на 5 март и на 5 септември, секоја година. За сите заинтересирани кандидати за претстојниот повик, фондацијата ќе организира онлајн консултативен состанок на 26 февруари во 10 часот. Деталите за состанокот може да ги најдете на следниов линк:





Доколку имате завршено магистерски студии во последните 5 години или моментално работите на вашиот докторат, Фондацијата за животна средина на Германија ДБУ, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) нуди одлична можност за истражувачки престој во Германија, во траење од 6-12 месеци и тоа на универзитети, институти, невладини организации или во приватни компании (институцијата домаќин ја избирате сами). Досега 11 студенти од Македонија ја искористиле можноста.

Програмата поддржува најширок опсег на професии, под услов предлог-проектот да биде директно или индиректно поврзан со заштитата на животната средина, екологијата, одржливиот развој, климатските промени, обновливите извори на енергија и сл. 

Повеќе информации за програмата прочитајте на:

Програмата има рок за аплицирање двапати годишно: 5 март и 5 септември и е отворена за апликации од кандидати од сите дисциплини.

Што нуди ДБУ:

  • Стипендија за 6-12 месеци по ваш избор зависно од истражувањето
  • 1350 евра месечно (за покривање на трошоци за престој и храна)
  • Здравствено осигурување
  • Интензивен курс по Германски јазик
  • Вмрежување со експерти и ментори од вашата струка и вашето поле на интерес од Германија и цела Југоисточна Европа

📩 За повеќе информации може директно да го контактирате координаторот на програмата за ДБУ од Северна Македонија, Фросина Пандурска-Драмиќанин:



Scholarships for students to follow German language courses at higher education institutions in Bavaria, Federal Republic of Germany in 2025


Stipendien für Deutsch-Sommerkurse in Bayern 2025


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

es freut mich, Sie auf die Stipendien des Freistaats Bayern für Deutsch-Sommerkurse an Hochschulen in Bayern im Jahr 2025 hinweisen zu können. Die Stipendien für die Präsenz-Kurse in Bayern beinhalten Kursgebühr, Unterkunft und Verpflegung.

Bewerben können sich Studierende sowie junge Forschende aller akademischen Disziplinen mit Deutsch-Vorkenntnissen auf mindestens B1-Niveau aus Albanien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Kosovo, Kroatien, Montenegro, Nordmazedonien, Serbien, Slowenien und der Ukraine bei BAYHOST. Zum Bewerbungszeitpunkt müssen Studierende mindestens zwei komplette Semester an einer Hochschule im Heimatland verbracht haben und dies durch Noten belegen können. Die Staatsbürgerschaft eines der förderfähigen Länder muss vorliegen.

Bewerbungsschluss ist der 23. März 2025. Bewerbungen sind ausschließlich über unser Online- Formular einzureichen.

Nähere Informationen zum Bewerbungsverfahren und den Sprachkursen sind auf der BAYHOST- Website und unter dem BAYHOST-Profil auf facebook zu erhalten.



Scholarships for German language courses in Bavaria 2025

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am pleased to inform you about our new scholarship offers of the Free State of Bavaria for German language courses at Bavarian higher education institutions in 2025. The scholarships for on-site courses in Bavaria include tuition fees, accommodation, and meals.

Students and young academics of all disciplines with intermediate German proficiency (at least B1-level) from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, and Ukraine can apply for BAYHOST summer course scholarships. At the time of application, students must have completed at least two entire semesters at an institute of higher education in their home country and provide corresponding grades. Applicants must have the citizenship of one of the eligible countries.

The application deadline is March 23, 2025.Applications must be submitted exclusively via our online form.

Further information on the application process and language courses can be found on the BAYHOST- website and under the BAYHOST facebook profile.



Fulbright Scholarships


The Fulbright Scholar Competition for the Academic Year 2026-2027 Is Now Open

Тhe Fulbright Scholar program facilitates postdoctoral studies, including postdoctoral research, and/or a combination of postdoctoral research and teaching for professors across various professional backgrounds.

Applications for the Fulbright Scholar Program (Post-Doctoral) in the United States (NON-DEGREE) are now open.

Application Deadline: MAY 31, 2025

This initiative is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Department of State and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The Fulbright Program, a flagship international educational exchange initiative sponsored by the U.S. Government, aims to enhance mutual understanding between the people of the United States and those of other countries. Since its establishment in 1946, the program has provided over 400,000 participants with opportunities to engage in cultural, political, and economic exchange, fostering joint ventures for global welfare. Administered by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright Program operates in 155 countries, awarding approximately 800 new grants annually.

Nature of Grants Grant benefits vary according to the provisions of the program of each participating country. All Fulbright grants include limited accident and sickness insurance and maintenance grants provided by the Department of State. Grants are awarded for a period of one or two semesters (5 or 9 months) for post-doctoral applicants. A grant may be revoked, terminated, or suspended. Grounds for revocation or termination include, but are not limited to: (1) violation of any law of the United States or the home country; (2) any act likely to give offense to the United States; (3) failure to observe satisfactory academic or professional standards; (4) physical or mental incapacitation; (5) engaging in any unauthorized income-producing activity; (6) failure to comply with the grant’s terms and conditions; and (7) material misrepresentation made by any grantee in the application form or grant document. A grant may be suspended if: (1) the grantee ceases to carry out the project or academic program during the grant period; or (2) the grantee leaves the United States for more than two weeks without the authorization of the U.S. Embassy in North Macedonia and IIE.

Preference is given to candidates without recent experience in the United States. Recipients of Fulbright Scholarships within the past five years will not be considered. Persons holding permanent residence in the United States are not eligible to apply for Fulbright grants to the United States. Persons who are citizens of both North Macedonia and the United States are also ineligible. Employees of the U.S. Embassy and their immediate family members are ineligible. Fulbright grantees enter the United States on an exchange visitor (J-1) visa under a Department of State program, which requires them to return to their home country for a minimum of two years at the end of the grant period.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Doctoral degree.
  • Proficiency in English appropriate for the proposed research project in the United States.
  • Detailed statement of proposed activity for research at a U.S. institution.
  • Citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia and employment in North Macedonia.

Application and Review Process: A complete application includes:

  • Application form.
  • Detailed statement of proposed activity.
  • Detailed curriculum vitae.
  • Three references.
  • A copy of the bio page of your passport, and your dependents’ passports if they plan to accompany you.
  • Copy of doctoral degree with translation into English.
  • Letter from employer confirming employment.
  • Letter of invitation or appointment from a U.S. institution.

Please scan all the above-mentioned documents and attach them to your online application.

Application Guidelines: Complete the application form carefully after reading “Instructions for Completing the Application” in step 1 of the application. Make sure the reference reports are submitted promptly. You must submit three references. It is your responsibility to ensure that reference reports are submitted by the deadline so that references accompany the application throughout the entire review process. References should be from persons qualified to evaluate your professional work and proposal. At least one of the references should be from a specialist outside your university. References should provide evidence of your scholarly reputation within your discipline and must be written in English. The Reference Report Form in the application packet suggests qualifications that the reference writer should address. Submit a detailed curriculum vitae. The curriculum vitae should describe academic credentials and relevant achievements.

When composing a curriculum vitae, it is important to include the following:

  1. Education (universities attended, degrees held)
  2. Positions held
  3. Courses taught and other services provided to students and the home institution
  4. Publications
  5. Other professional activities, such as workshops, seminars, and consultations
  6. Membership and activities in professional associations
  7. Professional honors, awards, and fellowships (relevant honors and awards)
  8. Community service

The application asks for similar information but provides limited space for answers. In the curriculum vitae, you should expand upon these topics to share a more complete picture of your accomplishments.

Preparing the Project Statement: The project statement is the most important part of preparing the Fulbright application. Scholars with the most compelling, theoretically sound, well-written, and feasible proposals are generally recommended for awards. Sometimes those with outstanding professional achievements assume that a brief, general project statement will be sufficient. But, in order to ensure a more complete application, your proposed project, as well as the strategy for completing it, should be thoroughly explained.

Factors to address in the project statement:

  • Clearly define your objectives and the methodology you will employ. Indicate whether you will use interviews, library or archival research, or laboratory experiments to accomplish your project.
  • Place your project in its academic or professional context by referring to leading works by others on the topic, if that information is available.
  • Explain the significance of the project for the field and your own professional development.
  • Explain why residence in the United States is necessary to accomplish the project.
  • Comment, if applicable, on the adequacy or inadequacy of research facilities and library resources in your own country, and on the need to use specific collections in the United States.
  • Describe arrangements you have made for affiliation or collaboration. Secure a letter of invitation from a U.S. host institution testifying to the merits and feasibility of the proposal. Scholars who have previously studied in the United States should avoid seeking affiliation at their U.S. alma mater, because candidates are encouraged to expand their contacts within the U.S. academic community.
  • Discuss how your project can be completed within the time period you have available.
  • Describe your competence in English if you are not a native speaker. Proficiency in English is required for research awards in the United States.
  • Indicate how you will disseminate the results of your research both in the United States and in your home country.

Arrangements for Affiliation with a Host Institution: One of the most important requirements of the Fulbright Scholar Program is a formal affiliation at a U.S. university or research institution. When determining which institutions to contact, do not limit yourself to only the most well-known U.S. universities. Many U.S. universities may not have an international reputation, but they often have appropriate facilities for scholars to conduct research. We have observed that scholars placed in these smaller and less well-known institutions are often given greater attention than their colleagues who are affiliated with more well-known universities.

Application Forms: Application forms can be found at:

The deadline for receipt of applications is MAY 31, 2025.

For additional information, please contact:

Gazmend Ilazi
Exchanges and Alumni Coordinator
Public Affairs Office
Phone: +389-(0)2-310-2099

Embassy link:

The Fulbright Student Competition for the 2026-2027 Academic Year Is Now Open

The Fulbright Student program provides opportunities for postgraduate studies to undergraduate students, as well as those currently enrolled in postgraduate or PhD programs. Eligible students may also apply to conduct their MA/S or PhD thesis research in the United States through this scholarship too.

Applications are now open for the Fulbright Student Program in the United States, including opportunities for Visiting Student Researchers and Master’s Degree candidates. Please carefully review all instructions and information before proceeding with the application.

Application Deadline: MAY 31, 2025
This initiative is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Department of State and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program operates in more than 160 countries worldwide. Approximately 4,000 foreign students receive Fulbright scholarships each year.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Completed university degree (undergraduate) or enrollment in postgraduate studies
  • Proficiency in English sufficient for graduate study or research in the United States
  • Citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia


  • All applications must be completed in English and submitted online at:
  • Each page of the application has specific instructions; please read them carefully.
  • Answer every question thoroughly, making an effort to stay within the provided space.
  • The deadline for submitting completed applications is MAY 31, 2025.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Standardized Tests: If selected for an interview at the U.S. Embassy, you will be required to take the TOEFL exam. Do not apply for the TOEFL exam at this stage; instructions on registration will follow after the interview. Additionally, degree-seeking students must take the GRE or GMAT, depending on their field of study, after the interview.

Required Documents (Scanned and Attached to Online Application in PDF Format, each not exceeding 5 MB):

  • Fulbright student application form submitted online
  • Three letters of reference
  • For the degree option, submit B.A. university transcripts and diploma with an English translation.
  • For the research option, submit B.A., M.A., and university transcripts, along with a certificate confirming enrollment in a Ph.D. program if applicable, with an English translation.
  • A copy of the bio page of your passport
  • Report on Proficiency in English
  • A letter from your employer confirming employment (if applicable)
  • Any optional supplementary documents (competition certificates, diplomas, etc.)

Application Forms: Application forms can be found at:

Additional Information:

  • Essay guidelines
  • Report on Proficiency in English
  • Application instructions

For additional information, please contact:

Gazmend Ilazi
Exchanges and Alumni Coordinator
Public Affairs Office
Phone: +389-(0)2-310-2099

Embassy link:



Scholarships for Academic Year 2024/2025 from the Government of Romania

Scholarships are offered to international students for all three study cycles. Details on eligibility and deadlines can be found [here]


Scholarships for German Language Courses in Bavaria, 2024 

The Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe announces scholarships for German language courses at higher education institutions in Bavaria. These scholarships cover tuition, accommodation, and meals. Students and young professionals from all disciplines with at least B1-level German proficiency can apply.

Крајниот рок за аплицирање е 21 март 2024 година, а апликациите се поднесуваат исклучиво преку онлајн форма.

Дополнителни информации за процесот на аплицирање и јазичните курсеви се достапни на интернет-страницата, како и на ФБ профилот.