Документи | Whistleblower Protection

Policy for Preventing Corruption at the University

To prevent corruption within the academic community, the draft Policy for Preventing Corruption at the University outlines the responsibilities and obligations of the University, its units, and its employees, including teaching, collaborative, and administrative staff.

  1. The University commits to implementing a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, ensuring professional and honest conduct with integrity, and establishing a system to prevent bribery and corruption.
  2. The University is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of openness, integrity, and accountability, conducting its activities responsibly and transparently, in compliance with laws, the University Statute, and its Ethical Code.
  3. The University is obligated to provide students, employees, and other individuals with secure mechanisms for internal reporting of corruption.
  4. A system for detecting and reporting corruption is developed and implemented by the University.
  5. The University collaborates with the media to ensure openness and transparency in its work.
  6. The University fully applies mechanisms to facilitate the right to free access to public information, ensuring that all legal and natural persons have access to such information.
  7. The University conducts training programs for employees, equipping them with knowledge about mechanisms for addressing corruption and their responsibilities in such situations.


Drafting the University Policy

The draft policy and accompanying documentation have been developed as part of the "University Without Corruption” project, implemented by the Institute for Strategic Research and Education in Skopje , with participation from University representatives and support from the U.S. Embassy in North Macedonia.


Authorized Whistleblower Contact

Александра Донева, a.doneva@ukim.edu.mk, (02) 3293-273

