Grant Agreement Number | Title | Acronym | Project Coordinator | Unit | Role in the Project | Project Logo |
101194278 | GN5-2 | GN5-2 | Prof. Dr. Anastas Mishev | Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering | Partner | |
101182923 | Agricultural Robotics and Augmented Reality for Workplace Enhancement and Labor Linkage | AGRO-WELL | Prof. Dr. Dusica Santa | Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food | Partner | |
101159214 | Bridging Research Institutions to Catalyze Generative AI Adoption by the Health Sector in the Widening Countries | ChatMED | Prof. Dr. Monika Simjanoska Misheva | Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering | Coordinator | |
101157448 | Nature-Based Solutions for Demonstrating Climate-Resilient Critical Infrastructure | NATURE-DEMO | Prof. Dr. Igor Gjorgjiev | Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology | Partner | |
101158561 | WIDEn performance in research and innovation capacity and competence Across EU | Wide AcrossEU | Beti Kostadinovska Dimitrovska, MSc. | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje | Partner | |
101131683 | Challenges and innovative changes in research ethics reviews | CHANGER | Prof. Dr. Ljupco Risteski | Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | Partner | |
101132435 | Skill partnerships for sustainable and just migration patterns | SKILLS4JUSTICE | Prof. Dr. Violeta Cvetkoska | Faculty of Economics | Partner | |
101132124 | Invigorating Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy for a Resilient Europe | InvigoratEU | Prof. Dr. Irena Rajchinovska Pandeva | Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law | Partner | |
101137131 | Bioeconomy excellence alliance for stimulating innovative and inclusive green transition | BEAMING | Prof. Dr. Ivana Janeska Stamenkovska | Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food | Partner | |
101136775 | Supporting European R&I Through stakeholder collaboration and institutional reform | INITIATE | Prof. Dr. Dimitar Tashkovski | Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies | Partner | |
101131875 | EOSC Beyond: advancing innovation and collaboration for research | EOSC Beyond | Prof. Dr. Anastas Mishev | Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering | Partner | |
101130572 | Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 4 | GETM4 | Prof. Dr. Ljupco Eftimov | Faculty of Economics | Partner | |
101120390 | Up-skilling researchers for sustainable entrepreneurship based on innovation process management | USE IPM | Prof. Dr. Stojan Debarliev | Faculty of Economics | Partner | |
101082073 | Resilient beekeeping and breeding to safeguard natural genetic resources and pollination services | BeeGuards | Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Uzunov | Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food | Partner | |
101100680 | GN5-1 | GN5-1 | Prof. Dr. Anastas Mishev | Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering | Partner | |
101075747 | TRANSITion to sustainable future through training and education | TRANSIT | Prof. Dr. Petar Krstevski | Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies | Partner | |
101075714 | Reliability, Resilience and Defense technology for the griD | R2D2 | Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Krkoleva | Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies | Partner | |
101058684 | Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies | ERIES | Prof. Dr. Vlatko Sheshov | Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology | Partner | |
101058527 | Skills for the European Open Science Commons: Creating a Training Ecosystem for Open and FAIR Science | Skills4EOSC | Prof. Dr. Anastas Mishev | Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering | Partner | |
101055286 | Transnational network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area | NCP_WIDERA.NET | Prof. Dr. Vlatko Sheshov | Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology | Partner |
Grant Agreement Number | Title | Acronym | Project Coordinator | Unit | Role in the Project | Project Logo |
101175268 | Strengthening the knowledge of the EU Internal Market- Widening the perspectives of candidate countries | EUMarket | Prof. Dr. Elena Makrevska Disoska | Faculty of Economics | Coordinator | |
101180361 | Forensic Accounting and Fraud in Contemporary Digital Environment | FORCE | Prof. Dr. Zorica Bozhinovska Lazarevska | Faculty of Economics | Coordinator | |
101177167 | Cultivating Academic Intrapreneurship in Western Balkans | INTRABUILD | Prof. Dr. Trajce Velkovski | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | Partner | |
101128457 | Sustainable Living Labs for Regional Entrepreneurial Cooperation | GreenWB | Prof. Dr. Trajce Velkovski | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | Partner | |
101128841 | Curriculum Development – Joint MA Program in Political Science | JoPScip | Prof. Dr. Aneta Cekikj | Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research | Partner | |
101082815 | jOiNEd For sUsTainability – bUilding climate REsilient communities in WB and EU | 1FUTURE | Prof. Dr. Meri Cvetkovska | Faculty of Civil Engineering | Partner | |
101082683 | Master of Applied Cybersecurity | CyberMACS | Prof. Dr. Vesna Dimitrova | Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering | Partner |
Grant Agreement Number | Title | Acronym | Project Coordinator | Unit | Role in the Project | Project Logo |
101071349 | Enterprise Europe Network North Macedonia | EENOMA | Prof. Dr. Viktor Stojmanovski | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje | Coordinator |
Grant Agreement Number | Title | Acronym | Project Coordinator | Unit | Role in the Project | Project Logo |
101158811 | North Macedonian Safer Internet Centre | MkSafeNet | Prof. Dr. Ivan Chorbev | Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering | Partner | |
101191697 | National Competence Centres for South East European Countries in the framework of EuroHPC | EuroCC4SEE | Prof. Dr. Boro Jakimovski | Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering | Partner |
Grant Agreement Number | Title | Acronym | Project Coordinator | Unit | Role in the Project | Project Logo |
101130735 | Prometheus – Promoting Universal Values through Digital Epigraphy and Cultural Heritage | PROMETHEUS | Prof. Dr. Elena Dzukeska | Faculty of Philosophy | Partner | |
101174212 | WWI diGital mUsEum foR the management of sensitive cultuRal hEritage | GUERRE | Prof. Dr. Dalibor Jovanovski | Faculty of Philosophy | Partner |
Grant Agreement Number | Title | Acronym | Project Coordinator | Unit | Role in the Project | Project Logo |
101193586 | Rapid Multi-Risk Needs Evaluation and Planning Platform | EMERGE | Prof. Dr. Radmila Salic Makreska | Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology | Coordinator | |
101101255 | Integrative strengthening of seismic risk awareness | ISRA | Prof. Dr. Vlatko Sheshov | Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology | Coordinator | |
101017950 | Learn to be Resilient | L2BR | Prof. Dr. Vlatko Sheshov | Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology | Partner | |
101004830 | Comprehensive RISk assessment of basic services and transport InfraStructure | CRISIS | Prof. Dr. Vlatko Sheshov | Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology | Coordinator |
Grant Agreement Number | Title | Acronym | Project Coordinator | Unit | Role in the Project | Project Logo |
101126417 | Collective bargaining and environmental responsibility – challenges and perspectives for transport and public sector | CERP | Prof. Dr. Lazar Jovevski | Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law | Partner | |
101052278 | Collective bargaining for mobile workers in Europe under the COVID19 – cases of frontier, seasonal and migrant workers | MOBILEurope | Prof. Dr. Lazar Jovevski | Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law | Partner |