Infrastructure | e-Library UKIM Access

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje provides access to electronic libraries to meet the needs of its academic community.

Support for electronic library access is facilitated through a network of EBSCO coordinators across the University’s units and a designated representative at the Rectorate.


A digital library offering access to numerous databases of publications, e-journals, e-books, and more.


Cambridge Core

A digital library by Cambridge University Press, granting access to journals in over 37 research fields.


A digital academic portal featuring publications in social sciences and humanities, with access to four platforms.

ERS Publications

A digital portal for publications in various medical sciences.

ASTM Compass

A library of digital publications covering a wide range of engineering disciplines.


A platform of academic publications by Edward Elgar Publishing.

MSP – Mathematical Sciences Publishers

A portal for scholarly publications in the field of mathematics.