The publishing activities of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje has been an integral part of its mission since its establishment. UKIM’s publishing activities encompass academic electronic publishing and scientific publishing, integrating the publication efforts of its constituent units. Scientific publishing at UKIM is based on research conducted across its 23 faculties, 5 scientific institutes, 4 public research institutes, and 1 affiliated faculty, encompassing all scientific fields and ensuring a diverse and high-quality scientific publishing program. UKIM publishes 48 scientific journals annually, featuring over 200 papers, with approximately half available on open-access digital platforms and the rest in printed versions. The University is committed to fully digitizing its journals and providing open access, significantly enhancing its visibility as a leading academic institution in North Macedonia. For more details on UKIM’s academic electronic publishing, click here. |
Scientific Journals Published at UKIM
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje publishes 48 international scientific journals, all with open access, categorized by research fields. These journals follow open science principles based on the diamond open access model, meaning authors and their institutions do not pay publication fees, and readers have free access to the published works. To enhance UKIM’s visibility, the University aims to transition all its journals to digital formats and include them in as many global indexing databases as possible. The objective is to meet the criteria for inclusion in the two most relevant global indexing databases: Web of Science by Clarivate Analytics and SCOPUS by Elsevier. Currently, two scientific journals from UKIM units, where the University is a co-publisher alongside other institutions, are included in the Web of Science database by Clarivate Analytics. These journals are as follows(Web of Science Master Journal List – Search Macedonia, July 20, 2024):
Digital Portal for Journals at UKIM
Some scientific journals at UKIM have dedicated digital portals, providing access to archives of previous issues. These portals also support submission, peer-review, and electronic publishing of new articles. The Journals УКИМ portal is an electronic platform that currently hosts 15 journals and over 2,000 articles. These journals previously lacked digital publishing capabilities. In its next phase, the portal will integrate all UKIM journals, connecting their respective digital platforms. |
Научни списанија на УКИМ презентирани по научноистражувачки подрачја
Title | Faculty/Institute |
Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Web of Science (IF = 0,829 for 2019 year), SCOPUS, EBSCO, etc. | Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy |
Geographical surveys | Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Acta Geobalcanica | Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics |
Title | Faculty/Institute |
Macedonian Journal of Anesthesia | Faculty of Medicine |
Epilepsy and Neurology | Faculty of Medicine |
Journal of Morphological Sciences | Faculty of Medicine |
Phisioacta | Faculty of Medicine |
Macedonian Journal of Ophtalmology | Faculty of Medicine |
Acta Morphologica | Faculty of Medicine |
Archives of public health | Faculty of Medicine |
Academic Medical Journal | Faculty of Medicine |
Macedonian Dental Review (Index Copernicus) | Faculty of Dentistry |
Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin (EBSCO Host – Academic Search database) | Faculty of Pharmacy |