Projects | International Projects

Ongoing International Projects at UKIM

This section provides an overview of the current international projects at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, involving researchers and research teams from UKIM units participating in international consortia. These projects are funded by various donor and project programs, including the European Commission and global initiatives.

The information is dynamic, reflecting the constant initiation of new projects and the closure of ongoing ones. The outcomes and sustainability of completed projects remain active, benefiting the University, the academic community, and society as a whole.


The overview is categorized by donor programs.


Information on Activities of Ongoing International Projects at UKIM

Project Name: Widen performance in research and innovation capacity and competence AcrossEU (Wide AcrossEU)


Title Program Project Manager Project leader
CROSS BOrder management of variable renewable energies and storage units enabling a transnational Wholesale market EU Horizon 2020 programmeVesna Borozan, Ph.D.Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
Implementation of an effective and cost-effective intervention for patients with psychotic disorders in low and middle-income countries in South Eastern Europe EU Horizon 2020 programmeStojan Bajraktarov , Ph.D./ Antoni Novotni, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
Large-scale implementation of community based mental health care for people with severe and enduring mental ill health in Europe EU Horizon 2020 programmeAntoni Novotni, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
Early Environmental quality and life-course mental health effects EU Horizon 2020 programmeGordana Ristovska, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
RETOPEA Religious Toleration and Peace EU Horizon 2020 programmeLidija Georgieva , Ph.D. Faculty of Philosophy
Addressing the dual emerging threats of African Swine Fever and Lumpy Skin Disease in Europe EU Horizon 2020 programmePip Beard, Dr. (Consortium leader), Ph.D. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Increasing the value of Hydropower through increased Flexibility EU Horizon 2020 programmeZoran Markov , Ph.D. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Widening Research on Pervasive and eHealth - WeHealth EU Horizon 2020 programmeHristijan Gjoreski, Ph.D. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
Title Program Project Manager Project leader
Developing Applied Foreign Languages Skills ERASMUS + Programme Jovanka Lazarevska-Stancevska, Ph.D. "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology
"Europe: knowing, learning, acknowledging (2)" ERASMUS + Programme Mira Trajkova , Ph.D. "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology
Promoting academia-industry alliances for R&D through collaborative and open innovation platform ERASMUS + Programme Elena Dumova-Jovanoska, Ph.D. Faculty of Civil Engineering
Enhancing and validating service-related competences in versatile learning environments in Western Balkan Universities (e-VIVA) ERASMUS + Programme Mirjana Borota Popovska, Ph.D. Institute for Sociological Political and Juridical Research
Reviving of Farriery; Disappearing Profession ERASMUS + Programme Ksenija Ilievska, Ph.D. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Advancing machine learning in vocational education ERASMUS + Programme Branislav Gerazov, Ph.D. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
“Modernising European Legal Education (MELE)“ ERASMUS + Programme Ilina Cenevska, Ph.D. Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law
Towards Modern Slavic Studies ERASMUS + Programme Jasminka Delova-Siljanova, Ph.D. "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology
Diversity in Science towards Social Inclusion – Non-formal Education in Science for Students` Diversity ERASMUS + Programme Marina Stojanovska (coordinator Silvija Markic, Germany), Ph.D. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Development of New Software for Psychomotor Re-education       of Children with Autism” (2020-1-TR01-KA205-081611) ERASMUS + Programme Olivera Canevska Rašić, Ph.D. Faculty of Philosophy
“Accessible and Digitalized Cultural Heritage” (2019-1-MK01- KA203-060269) ERASMUS + Programme Viktor Lilčić Adams, PhD Faculty of Philosophy
“Fostering Accessible Study Technologies (FAST): an accessible learning management system in the humanities and social sciences” (2018-1-МК01-КА203-047104 ) ERASMUS + Programme Aleksandra Karovska Ristovska, PhD Faculty of Philosophy
Title Program Project Manager Project leader
A real time monitoring and leakage detection and reduction system in water distribution networks INTERREG IPA Mile Stankovski, Ph.D.Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
Title Program Project Manager Project leader
Risk-based meat inspection and integrated meat safety assurance COST Programme Bojan Blagojevic, Ph.D., Sandra Mojsova, Ph.D. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Control of Human Pathogenic Micro-organisms in Plant Production Systems COST Programme Leo van Overbeek, Ph.D., Sandra Mojsova, Ph.D. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Combating anthelmintic resistance in ruminants COMBAR COST Programme Johannes Charlier, Ph.D. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Title Program Project Manager Project leader
Gas sensors for preventing terrorist attacks NATO Programme Valentin Mirceski, Ph.D. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Portable chargers for soldiers, NATO SPS G5772 NATO Programme Aleksandra Buzarovska, Ph.D. Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy
Title Program Project Manager Project leader
Enhancing National Capacities to Standardize Nuclear Based and Related Techniques for Food Safety and Detection of Irradiated Food IAEA - Technical Cooperation Programme Hristina Spasevska, Ph.D. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
Integrated Radiometric and Complementary Techniques for Mixed Contaminants and Residues in Food IAEA - Technical Cooperation Programme Zehra Hajrulai-Musliu, Ph.D. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Strenghtening Nuclear Medicine, Radiology and Radiotherapy Services in Macedonia IAEA - Technical Cooperation Programme Daniela Miladinova, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
Improving Early Detection and Rapid Response to Potential Outbreaks of Priority Animal and Zoonotic Diseases IAEA - Technical Cooperation Programme Jovana Stefanovska , Ph.D. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Title Program Project Manager Project leader
Comprehensive Risk Assessment of Basic Services and Transport Infrastructure UCPM - European Union Civil Protection Mechanism Vlatko Sheshov, Ph.D. Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology
Learn To Be Resilient UCPM - European Union Civil Protection Mechanism Vlatko Sheshov, Ph.D. Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology
Title Program Project Manager Project leader
Colchicine for Prevention of Vascular Inflammation in Non-cardio Embolic Stroke (CONVINCE) Clinical Studies Anita Arsovska , Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
SiPP (Stroke in Pregnancy and Postpartum): a prospective, observational, international, multicenter study on pathophysiological mechanisms, clinical profile, management, and outcome of cerebrovascular diseases in pregnant and postpartum women Clinical Studies Anita Arsovska , Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
VENOST-INTERNATIONAL- Cerebral venous thrombosis, clinical features, risk factors and prognosis Clinical Studies Anita Arsovska , Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
Gastrointestinal symptoms of Sars-Cov-2 infection: a prospective multicenter study Clinical Studies Meri Trajkovska , Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
Efficacy of pregabalin and duloxetine in patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (PDPN): the effect of pain on cognitive function, sleep and quality of life Clinical Studies Tatjana Milenkovik, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
NN9535-4386 A research study to compare Semaglutide to insulin Aspart, when taken together with Metformin and insulin Glargine in people with type 2 diabetes – SUSTAINE 11 Clinical Studies Tatjana Milenkovik, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
EURAP (EUropean Registry of Antiepileptic drugs and Pregnancy) Clinical Studies Gordana Kiteva Trenchevska, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
Title Program Project Manager Project leader
ESTABLISHING A FRANCOPHONE LABORATORY FOR INNOVATION IN EDUCATION AND FOR SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AUF - The Francophone University AgencySnezana Petrova , Ph.D. and Irina Babamova, Ph.D. "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology
Zero Waste - for responsible production and consumption in Central and Eastern Europe AUF - The Francophone University Agency Snezana Petrova, Ph.D. "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology
Romance studies and Slavic languages, Literatures and Cultures in Contact and Discontact AUF - The Francophone University Agency Ivan Jovanovik, Ph.D. University of Nish, Faculty of Philosophy in Nish (partner: "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology)
Title Program Project Manager Project leader
Integration of IoT and Blockchain technology for PLM Strategy based perishable food quality management and traceability Bilateral Projects Valentina Gecevska, Ph.D. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Inferring and dynamical modelling effective networks from neural data: comparison with structural and functional connectivity Bilateral Projects Tomislav Stankovski, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
Design of Polymer/TiO2 mesoporous nanocomposite membranes for wastewater treatment Bilateral Projects Aleksandra Buzarovska, Ph.D. Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy
Surveillance and Molecular Epidemiology of Avian Paramyxoviruses and Avian Influenza Viruses in China and Macedoniа Bilateral Projects Aleksandar Dodovski , Ph.D. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Processing Instruction for L3 English: Differences between balanced and unbalanced bilinguals? Bilateral Projects Anastasia Kirkova-Naskova, Ph.D. "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology
Title Program Project Manager Project leader
EURAP (EUropean Registry of Antiepileptic drugs and Pregnancy) Educational grants to the CPC from Bial, Eisai Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, GW Pharmaceuticals Janssen-Cilag, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi, Teva and UCB biopharma. Gordana Kiteva Trenchevska, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
A real time monitoring and leakage detection and reduction system in water distribution networks INTERREG IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme CCI 2014 TC 16 I5CB 009 Mile Stankovski, Ph.D. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
Risk analysis of natural toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the food chain: development, validation, and application of HPLC/MSn methods OPCW - Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Jasmina Petreska Stanoeva, Ph.D. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Heat stress and animal welfare in small-scale dairy holdings in Kosovo and FYR of Macedonia "HERAS – Higher Education, Research and Applied Science "HERAS –(Kosovo)”)Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria, Kosovo and the Western Balkan Region Vlatko Ilieski, Ph.D. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Screening for the TransThyRetin-related Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP) (TRAP 2.1) Centogene AG Rostock Nikolina Tanovska, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
TRANSkulturelle Kommunikation und TRANSlation Central European Exchange Program for University Studies Emina Avdik, Ph.D. "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology
EAN COVID-19 Registry EAN - European Academy for Neurology Gordana Kiteva Trenchevska ( site investigator), Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
Support to National Dietary Surveys in Compliance with the EU Menu methodology (sixth support) “The children’s survey” EFSA - European Food Safety Authority Igor Spiroski, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine
National Platform for Improving Biosecurity in Dairy Cattle Farms FAO - Programme Miroslav Kjosevski, Ph.D. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Enhancing National Capacities to Standardize Nuclear Based and Related Techniques for Food Safety and Detection of Irradiated Food IAEA - Technical Cooperation Programme Hristina Spasevska, Ph.D. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
From DisAbility to FoodAbility Swedish Development Program Natasha Stanojkovska Trajkovska, Ph.D. Faculty of Philosophy
“From disability to food production” We Effect, Sweden  Natasha Stanojkovska Trajkovska, Ph.D. Faculty of Philosophy