This portal continuously publishes the latest information about opportunities related to open calls for international donor programs supporting projects, grants, study stays, and scholarships. |
International Calls and Donor Program Opportunities (Research & Innovation & High Education & Mobility) |
The European Union has many funding opportunities available for innovation practitioners, offering a range of funding opportunities under different headings, including Single Market, Innovation and Digital, Cohesion and Values, Natural Resources and Environment, Migration & Border Management, and Security & Defense.
HORIZON EUROPE – The 9th Framework Programme, also known as Horizon Europe, replaced the previous programme Horizon 2020 (H2020) with a budget of €100 billion.
The structure of Horizon Europe lays under three distinct Pillars, supported by activities to widen participation and strengthening the European Research Area (ERA), each part contributing to the common Horizon Europe objectives:
The description of these pillars is the following one:
Pillar 1 Excellent science: aiming to increase the EU’s global scientific competitiveness. Pillar 2 Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness: supporting research relating to societal challenges and reinforcing technological and industrial capacities through clusters. It sets Missions, that will have specific goals and will be launched from within the pillar, establishing a comprehensive portfolio of projects. Pillar 3 Innovative Europe: stimulating market-creating breakthroughs and ecosystems conducive to innovation. Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area: optimizing strengths & potential for a more innovative Europe. |
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Funding programmes and open calls – European Commission ( |
EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) are Europe-wide networks centered around addressing a specific societal challenge through partnerships, from sustainable energy to climate change to healthy food and green transport, from manufacturing and row materials to digitalization. They are communities of:
where each Community focuses on a specific societal challenge. |
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The Western Balkans Info Hub is powered by the EU-funded project POLICY ANSWERS. It provides information related to research and Innovation (as well as Education, Culture, Youth and Sports) covering the Western Balkans. |
Отворени повици |
The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is an all-inclusive, regionally owned and led cooperation framework. This framework engages RCC participants from the South East Europe (SEE), members of the international community and donors on subjects which are important and of interest to the SEE, with a view to promoting and advancing the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the region. |
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Balkathon 5.0 is a regional online competition organised annually by the RCC since 2020. Balkathon 5.0 will focus on fresh, innovative and business-oriented digital ideas and solutions. It is open for teams composed of people up to 35 years of age coming from Western Balkans, and it especially encourages high school teams to apply too. If you are looking to turn your ideas into masterpieces, you are at the right place. Apply with your idea for Balkathon 5.0 and win one of the awards from a €50.000 award pool. |
Објавени се првите три јавни повици во склоп на програмата Креативна Европа – Creative Europe, потпрограма Медиа – Creative Europe MEDIA 2022
Програмата Креативна Европа потпрограма Медиа -Creative Europe MEDIA ја поддржува европската филмска и аудиовизуелна индустрија, со цел развивање, дистрибуирање и промовирање на европски дела.
До повиците може да пристапите преку следниот here.
Се објавија новите повици од Erasmus + Програмата за 2022 година, кои може да ги најдете на следниот here.
Подетално околу условите за овој повик, вклучувајќи ги и приоритетите, може да се најдат во Програмскиот водич Еразмус + за 2022 година.
Во рамките на ЕУ Програмата ХОРИЗОНТ Европа, во делот Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area, објавени се повиците “Twinning Western Balkans”. Овие повици се наменети за државите од Западен Балкан, со што можноста за добивање грант е поголема.
Twinning Western Balkans Special Support for R&I policy making in the Western Balkans |
Отворен пристап до истражувачките инфраструктури на Заедничкиот истражувачки центар на Европската комисија (JRC Research Infrastructures) – нови Повици:
Основни информации: EUFRAT-MONNET
Повеќе информации за секој повик: |
How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe
First Horizon Europe webinar will take place via YouTube only, from 10.00 am, 24 March 2021 Webinar on 21 April 2021 – A successful proposal for Horizon Europe: Scientific-technical excellence is key, but don’t forget the other aspects
The European Commission is organizing an open information session to inform all potential applicants to Horizon Europe calls on the modalities for preparing their proposals. This session will complement the webinar organised on 24 March on ‘How to prepare a successful proposal’. It will focus on the policy considerations that participants need to take into account when preparing their proposals, like open science, gender dimension or dissemination, exploitation and communication aspects. This Horizon Europe webinar will take place via YouTube, from 10.00 am (CEST), 21 April 2021.
Европската комисија ги објави Erasmus+ програмите за поддршка на мобилност и соработка за периодот 2021 – 2027