Student Organizations | Other Student Organizations

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BEST Board of European Students of Technology


The student organization BEST supports European students studying technical and technological sciences in becoming internationally recognized, networked, and familiar with European culture, while developing capacities rooted in international values.

BEST creates opportunities for students to learn from one another through academic events and symposia.

Its ultimate goal is to qualify every student for a successful career, offering services through an international career center that introduces them to global job market opportunities.

More details here.



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IAESTE – International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience


The student organization IAESTE Macedonia is an independent, voluntary, and student-run organization facilitating exchanges for technical faculty students to undertake professional internships.

IAESTE provides students in engineering, technology, and applied arts with paid technical internships in their fields of study.

The organization includes approximately 120 members annually..

More details here.




EESTEC – Electrical Engineering Students’ European association


The student organization EESTEC enables networking for electrical engineering students in an international environment. It fosters collaboration, competence development, communication skills, opportunities for international travel, and personal, academic, and professional growth.

More details here.



ESTIEM - YouTube

ESTIEM – European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


ESTIEM is an organization for European students of industrial engineering and management, combining technological knowledge with managerial skills. Its mission is to create and maintain connections among students across Europe while supporting their personal and professional development through the ESTIEM ecosystem.

The ecosystem includes universities, companies, organizations, and other entities interested in industrial engineering and management. It offers training, workshops, study visits, and opportunities for turning innovative ideas into reality.

More details here.



AIESEC in Austria – Activating youth leadership since 1948

AIESEC – Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales


AIESEC is a global platform where young people can explore and develop their leadership potential. Led by students and recent graduates, it is an apolitical and independent organization. Its members are passionate about global issues, leadership, and management.

More details here.



Клуб на Оратори - FORUM ORATORES

Клуб на оратори – FORUM ORATORES


Forum Oratores is the only certified organization in the Republic of North Macedonia specializing in public speaking and rhetorical skills. Members gain the opportunity to master public speaking techniques, enhancing their professional success.

The organization also provides training on overcoming stage fright, improving diction, pronunciation, and writing skills (speeches, theses, essays), as well as crafting resumes (CVs) and preparing for job interviews.

More details here



Дебатни клубови на студентите на УКИМ


Дебатните клубови на студентите на УКИМ се неформални здруженија на студенти кои функционираат на Економскиот факултет, Скопје; на Филозофскиот факултет, Скопје и на Правниот факултет „Јустинијан Први“.

Нивната цел е да ги обучат студентите за компетитивно дебатирање според форматот на британска парламентарна дебата, како и да ја прошират идејата за аргументирано комуницирање и изразување во академската средина.

More details here.