Student Organizations | Student Ombudsman

The Student Ombudsman at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje is a sui generis role within the academic community, established under the Law on Higher Education (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 82/2018).

According to the law, every university elects a Student Ombudsman from among regular students to:

  • Address issues arising from academic relations.
  • Protect student rights as established by law and the University’s statutes.


Student Ombudsman at UKIM

The University Senate of UKIM, at the session held on November 28, 2023, adopted a Decision to appoint a Student Ombudsman at the "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje.

Savche Gjoseva, a student at the Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology, as the Student Ombudsman for a two-year term.


Responsibilities of the Student Ombudsman

Responsibilities of the Student Ombudsman:

  • Mediate disputes between students and University bodies or between students and members of the academic community.
  • Provide recommendations in specific cases to resolve disputes.
  • Take independent action when necessary, provided the affected student consents.
  • Publicly discuss issues related to the system for protecting student rights and promote conclusions to enhance the quality of higher education.
  • Collaborate with domestic and international governmental and non-governmental institutions.
  • Perform additional duties assigned by the University Senate or the University Student Assembly.


The Student Ombudsman operates under the principles of impartiality, non-discrimination, confidentiality, accessibility, accountability, transparency, and legality.
The Ombudsman cannot represent students before other state bodies and does not have the authority to protect student rights outside the academic community.
The Student Ombudsman submits an annual report to the University Senate.


Procedure for Submitting Complaints to the Student Ombudsman

The procedure begins with a request sent via regular mail, directly to the Ombudsman’s office, or electronically at

The request must include personal information of the submitter (name, surname, study program/unit, student index number, email), circumstances, facts, and evidence supporting the request, and the name of the body or individual concerned.