The Rector is the executive authority of the University. The Rector represents and advocates for the University both domestically and internationally. The rights, duties, and responsibilities of the Rector are defined in the University Statute. |

Biljana Angelova was born on May 21, 1965 in Skopje. In 1987 she earned a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Economics at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM), where she continued her graduate studies. She enrolled in the master’s program in 1988 and earned her M.A. in 1993 in the stream Marketing and External Trade. She submitted her Ph.D. dissertation proposal in 1994 and defended the thesis in 1999, earning a doctoral degree in Economic Sciences. She has been employed at the Institute of Economics since 1992, where she has been on a tenured track, being elected in all academic ranks. In 2007, she was elected for the first time in the highest academic and teaching rank - scientific adviser / full professor in the area of Business Finance and in 2012 she was re-elected as a full professor in the area on Financial Management. She is the author of more than 80 published scientific articles and papers presented at conferences and published in international journals. She has published 10 textbooks, teaching aids and manuals, as well as participated in the implementation of a large number of scientific-research and application projects. She has attended a number of international conferences abroad. She has actively collaborated in and spear-headed several international projects in cooperation with renowned foreign universities and international institutions. During the 2006-2008 period, she was the head of the second cycle studies in International Management, and from 2008 until today she is the head of the Financial Management stream. During a seven-year period (November 2009 - September 2016), she was the director of the Institute of Economics at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. In 2013, Angelova initiated the reconnection and networking of the economic institutes from all of the former Yugoslav republics. She renewed the cooperation and established the International Association of Economic Institutes of the countries of Southeast Europe, and became its first president. From 2016 until 2023, she held the post of Vice-Rector for Finance, Investment and Development at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. She was elected for the first time to this position in June 2016 for a four-year term. Then, she was re-elected to the same position in 2020, for the term period of 2020-2023. During her seven-year term as the Vice-Rector for Finance, Investment and Development, she performed various other duties within the scope of her mandate. From 2016 to 2023, she was the Chair of the Finance Committee and the Publishing Committee of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. From 2016 to 2023, she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Confucius Institute at UKIM and actively promoted the academic cooperation between the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu, People’s Republic of China and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. She initiated international academic conferences with representatives from both countries and has realized several academic visits to the Partner University in the People’s Republic of China. In 2018, with a Decision of the University Senate she was appointed as the president of the Supervisory board of the University Center for Technology Transfer and Innovations of Technologies "INNOFEIT", a position she held until September 2023. Since 2018, she has been actively involved in all the activities undertaken by UKIM for the establishment, promotion and support of the Business Accelerator UKIM, where UKIM has the largest share. She has actively followed and participated in all the activities of the Accelerator since its establishment five years ago. She was a member of the Ministry of Education and Science Commission for the Validation of Foreign Higher Education Degrees in the field of social and humanistic sciences. In 2016, she was elected as an independent member of the Supervisory Board of Halkbank AD Skopje by the Shareholders' Meeting of the Bank, with a license issued by the National Bank. Angelova is also a member of the Audit Committee of the Bank. In 2014 she participated in the establishment of the Academy of Banking and Information Technology, recognized for conducting professional training for employees in the banking sector, where she was appointed as a member of the Academic Board. She has had an active involvement in the process of transformation of enterprises with state capital since the beginning of the process in 1994. In 2011 she participated in the drafting of the Appraisal Law and she is the author of several legally adopted methodologies for the assessment of capital of trading companies, intellectual property rights and information technology. She was a trainer and president of several commissions appointed by the Ministry of Economy for the implementation of trainings and professional evaluation exams. As continuation of this, she was also appointed by the Ministry of Justice as the president of the Commission Implementing the Professional Material and Financial Forensics Exam and was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Chamber of Forensic Experts. Angelova has also actively worked and was the implementer of a number of international projects in cooperation with the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction, USAID, UNDP, JICA, Cooperacione Italiana, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, and other international institutions. She has also collaborated with the business sector in the areas of business development, feasibility of investment projects, as an expert and other professional engagements as part of her field of expertise. She has been involved in the work of the Securities Commission, where she was the Chair of the Committee for the implementation of trainings and the specialized exam for certified brokers and investment advisers from 2013 to 2017. From 2014 to 2018, she was the President of the State Awards and Recognitions Committee in the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Macedonia. She has played a vital part in the drafting of the Self-evaluation Report of UKIM, as well as in preparing various analysis of the conditions in higher education related to funding, academic research, digitalization and international cooperation, which has enabled her to have profound insight in all the segments of the operation of the University. |