The Center for Research, Development, and Continuous Education (CIRKO) was established in 2002 by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. CIRKO’s main objectives are: conducting research, supporting advancements in mechanical engineering, organizing and coordinating professional training across disciplines covered by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. |
Recognizing the need for stronger collaboration between academia and industry, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEIT) at UKIM established the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation – INNOFEIT како дел од своите напори да го затвори јазот помеѓу академското образование и практичната експертиза и да ги подготви своите студенти за подобро справување со индустриските предизвици кои претстојат. ИННОФЕИТ е Центар за интеракција меѓу персоналот на ФЕИТ, студентите на ФЕИТ и индустриските партнери што ќе поттикне врски и трансфер на технологија, како и нови иновативни идеи кои ќе помогнат во економскиот раст на секторот и општеството воопшто. |
The Center for Applied Research and Permanent Education in Agriculture (CIPOZ) was established in 2002 by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food (FASF) at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. CIPOZ operates in the field of agriculture, focusing on enhancing research activities and improving practical training for students and farmers. |
Business Accelerator UKIM
The Business Accelerator UKIM (BAU) is a leading business-technology accelerator dedicated to fostering the growth of promising technological entrepreneurs, startups, spin-offs, and scale-ups in the Republic of North Macedonia. BAU UKIM provides support through:
In addition to Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, BAU UKIM was co-founded by RSM Macedonia, the Crimson Development Foundation, and the Prof. Dr. Dimitar Stamboliev Foundation. |
FAB LAB Skopje, hosted by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, is a fabrication laboratory designed for research, hands-on learning, and project development using digital manufacturing tools.
It serves as a space for students and young professionals to access tools, machines, and equipment, exchange knowledge and practices, and participate in training sessions aimed at fostering innovation in engineering and applied technologies. |
The FEIT FabLab, located at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEIT) in Skopje, aims to promote a culture of hands-on learning, collaboration, and innovation in engineering and technology. Its mission is to equip individuals, especially young people, with the skills and tools needed to bring their ideas to life while bridging the gap between academia and industry. |
Inno – FabLAB
The Inno-FabLAB, based at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, is a fabrication laboratory designed to support innovation and practical applications in engineering and technology. |