Дебата на тема отворена наука
As a member of the CoARA Coalition, UKIM participates in two working groups: Toward Open Infrastructures for Responsible Research and Evaluation and Reforming Academic Career Assessment. UKIM’s alignment with European standards and principles for the European Higher Education and Research Area has led to:
For more information, click here.
The University Senate of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje adopted the Open Science Policy at its 19th session held on March 31, 2022. This policy is part of the University's strategy and activities aimed at promoting the principles and practices of open science. The Open Science Policy serves as a means to advance scientific progress and disseminate knowledge for the benefit of society. It achieves this by embracing practices of open, accessible, interoperable, reproducible, and responsible research. This aligns with the strategic goals outlined in the University's official documents. The policy represents a step toward removing barriers to sharing all types of research outcomes, improving international visibility, and positioning the University as a qualified partner in research projects and activities at both regional and pan-European levels. ![]() |
Protocol on Open Access to Research Infrastructure in the Western Balkans |
Меѓународната Недела на Отворен Пристап Open Access Week е глобален настан, кој е community-driven, можност за академската и истражувачката заедница да ги осознае придобивки од отворениот пристап за истражување. |
Тренингот, во форма на вебинар, ќе се реализира преку платформата за тренирање развиена во рамките на NI4OS проектот. |