Open Science | Repository

Repository of UKIM


The UKIM Repository of Scientific and Artistic Output is a digital archive that catalogs the University's academic, scientific and artistic contributions. It provides both open and controlled access to available content, enabling easy searching, further processing, and utilization of the materials.

Key features include permanent storage of metadata for scientific works in a standardized format, enabling processing, exchange, and searchability, and enhanced visibility of UKIM’s academic contributions.

The basic premise is an open access policy for all collections, except for books.


It is organized into organizations (communities), which correspond to the faculties and scientific institutes at UKIM.

Within each organization, the following collections are defined, organized according to the nature of the scientific works being submitted.

    • Books: Authored by members of the respective organization, available only to registered users
    • Conference Papers: Published in conference proceedings
    • Journal Articles: Published in scientific journals
    • PhD Theses: Defended at the respective organization


Access the UKIM Repository directly here.


Прирачник за користење

Прирачник за најава
