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Покана од Амбасадата на САД


Амбасадата на САД ги поканува студентите да аплицираат за две летни 2024 година студиски престои на Американските институти (SUSIs) за студентски лидери од Европа на следниве теми: environmental issues, and journalism and media. The five-week institutes are tentatively scheduled from June 25 to July 31, 2024, depending on available funding. Applications must be submitted no later than December 20 to: taneskab@state.gov

The program is open to students from 1st to 3rd year interested in the Environmental Issues Program, hosted by Shippensburg University in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, and the Journalism and Media Program, hosted by Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. Краен рок за аплицирање е 20 декември.

The programs are suitable for highly motivated undergraduate students (1st to 3rd year) from colleges, universities, and other higher education institutions who demonstrate leadership abilities within their studies, community involvement, and extracurricular activities. The study fields may include sciences, social sciences, humanities, education, business, and other professional disciplines.

Additional information and the application form can be found on this link: https://mk.usembassy.gov/2024-study-of-the-u-s-institutes-susis-for-student-leaders-from-europe/