Student Organizations | University Student Assembly

University Student Assembly of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (USC-UKIM) is the largest student organization, representing students at the national level.

More about USC-UKIM at the following link:

Goals of USC-UKIM


The goal of USC-UKIM is to protect student rights, ensure the quality of student life, improve the study process, and uphold student standards. It advocates for the fulfillment of student rights and interests, contributes to the development of student cultural, social, and intellectual growth, and promotes student activities.

  • The University Student Assembly protects student interests by participating in decision-making through its representatives in the University’s governing bodies, representing students as members of the academic community within higher education.
  • USC-UKIM has the authority to elect student representatives to the University Senate and other University bodies, where students, professors, and other academic community members jointly and equally make decisions.
  • The Assembly proposes the Student Ombudsman to the University Senate and oversees the quality of student life, the study process, and student standards while ensuring the realization of student rights and fostering cultural, social, and intellectual development.
  • USC-UKIM can also propose to governing bodies, such as the Rectorate and Faculty Management, the funding of student activities. Moreover, it encourages extracurricular student initiatives.

Structure of USC-UKIM


The University Student Assembly comprises student representatives selected from those elected to Faculty Student Assemblies.

  • Once student representatives are chosen for the Faculty Student Assembly, two students from each Faculty Assembly are delegated to the university level, becoming members of USC-UKIM.
  • The President of the University Student Assembly is elected from the representatives within USC-UKIM. Their term, as well as the term of other members, lasts one year, with the possibility of re-election for an additional term.

Activities of USC-UKIM


  • Hosting interdisciplinary student conferences.
  • Providing student benefits in various facilities managed by the Ministry of Culture.
  • Organizing workshops and panel discussions for intellectual development.
  • Distributing free tickets to cultural events.
  • Implementing programs and activities at the Student Cultural Center.
  • Implementing programs and activities at the Student Cultural Center.
  • Promoting the development of scientific awareness among students through public calls for scientific or professional projects.
  • Establishing cooperation with diplomatic missions and international organizations to host events under their patronage or support.
  • Collaborating with domestic non-governmental organizations.
  • Organizing cultural and sports activities.
  • Actively participating in the university’s digitalization processes that impact students.
  • Enhancing communication among faculty student assemblies to create a network of UKIM students.