Конкурс за Фулбрајт стипендии за академската 2025-2026
Fulbright ScholarshipsАмбасадата на САД објави дека апликациите за Програмата Фулбрајт, академска 2025-2026, се достапни на нивната вебстраница и социјалните платформи. Информации за условите и роковите за аплицирање ќе најдете на линковите:
For the Fulbright Scholar applications, please visit: Fulbright Scholar Competition. This program facilitates postdoctoral studies, including postdoctoral research, and/or a combination of postdoctoral research and teaching for professors across various professional backgrounds. For the Fulbright Student applications, please visit: Fulbright Student Competition. This program provides opportunities for postgraduate studies to undergraduate students, as well as those currently enrolled in postgraduate or PhD programs. Eligible students may also apply to conduct their MA/S or PhD thesis research in the United States through this scholarship too.