Lectorates in Macedonian Language Abroad The International Seminar on Macedonian Language, Literature, and Culture (MSMJLK) at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje sends lecturers of Macedonian language to universities where lectorates are established. Currently, there are lectorates in 11 university centers worldwide. Albania University of Tirana People's Republic of China University for Foreign Studies in Beijing Jagiellonian University in Krakow Opened in the academic year 1974/75. Lecturer: Elena Micevska-Zmejkovska University of Silesia in Sosnowiec Opened in the academic year 1987/88.
Romania Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Bucharest Opened in the academic 1974/75.
Russian Federation Lomonosov Moscow State University Opened in the academic year 1975/76. Professor: Elena Verizhnikova Lecturer: Hristina Angeleska
Turkey University of Ankara Opened in the 2022/23 academic year. Head of the Department of Macedonian Language and Literature: Prof. Dr. Melahat Pars
Lecturer: Darko Temelkoski
University of Istanbul
Opened in the academic year 1985/86. Macedonian is taught as an elective course. Number of classes per week: 10. Head of the Department of Macedonian Language and Literature: Prof. Ph.D. Turkan Olcay
Lecturer: Gabriela Ivanovska, Ph.D
Hungary ELTE University in Budapest Opened in the academic year 1988/89. Lecturer: Zlatko Panzov
France INALCO Institute in Paris Opened in the academic year 1973/74. Lecturer:
Croatia Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka Opened in the academic year 2008/2009. Lecturer: Biljana Stojanovska
Centers Where Macedonian Language is Taught Macedonian is also taught in around ten centers worldwide, delivered either regularly or occasionally by lecturers employed at those universities. Instruction is offered at various levels at the following universities: United Kingdom of Great Britain London - Ana Ilievska Zavrshnik MCIL CL Canada Toronto – Kristina Kramer, Ph.D. Opened in the academic year 1986. USA Chicago – Victor Friedman, Ph.D. (retired) Poland Poznan – Barbara Jarish Russia Perm – Natalija Boronikova, Ph.D Aleksandar Taleski, Ph.D Undergraduate Studies: Macedonian is taught at beginner and intermediate levels with a class load of 2+2 hours.
Postgraduate Studies: Macedonian is taught as a secondary Slavic language at the beginner level, with a class load of 2+2 hours.
Voronez-Marina Panova, Ph.D
Slovakia Bratislava - Zvonko Taneski, Ph.D Slovenija Ljubljana – Prof. Namita Subioto, Ph.D. Serbia Novi Sad – Zelko Milanovikj, Ph.D Nish – Prof. Ph.D. Danijela Kostadinovich
Lecturer: Gjoko Zdraveski
Croatia Zagreb – Prof. Boris Pavlovski, Ph.D.
Borjana Proshev - Oliver, Ph.D
Ivica Bakovikj, Ph.D.