Документи | Project Templates and Guidelines


In accordance with the Regulation for the Implementation of International Projects at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (published in the University Gazette No. 164, dated December 30, 2010), the following forms and guidelines are available for managing finances related to international projects:



1. Forms

1.1 For Opening Accounts and Project Registration

The project leader must submit the request for opening accounts and project registration, along with the complete documentation, to the Rectorate’s archive.

1.2 For Payment of Fees to Individuals or Partners

Decisions and supporting documents for payments to individuals engaged in the project or for fund transfers to project partners must be submitted to the Rectorate’s archive.

1.3 For Travel Reservations (Air Tickets or Other Transport)



2. Guidelines

2.1 Guidelines for Calculating Travel Expenses for Projects

2.2. Упатство за проверка и плаќање на фактурите на проектите