Infrastructure | Digital Library

The publishing activities of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje have been an integral part of its mission since its inception. These activities include academic electronic publishing and scientific publishing, serving to integrate and coordinate the publishing efforts of the University's member institutions.

Each year, through an open call, UKIM’s academic electronic publishing releases approximately 40 educational materials created by the University's faculties and institutes.

For additional details about UKIM's academic publishing, please visit the following here.


Academic Electronic Publishing at UKIM



The Academic Electronic Publishing division of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje has developed a Digital Library of e-books, aligned with open access principles.

In accordance with Article 22, Paragraph 5, and Article 25-a of the Regulations on Organizing Publishing Activities at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (University Gazette No. 264, November 2013), as well as the Decision on Publishing Textbooks in Electronic Format (No. 11-469, dated March 5, 2014), the University has initiated the publication of textbooks and educational materials in electronic format.

Textbooks and educational resources, for which prior consent has been obtained from the authors, are published on the UKIM website with open access availability.


CALL for UKIM Electronic Publishing for the 2024/2025 Academic Year


К О Н К У Р С за финансирање на електронско издаваштво на Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје за 2024/2025 година

Relevant documents for electronic publishing at UKIM:


Digital Library of UKIM

The UKIM Digital Library features over 200 open-access e-books, classified and presented according to the University's individual units.